Oshyn, Inc. Demonstrates how Drupal Enables Social Media Marketing for Businesses

Drupal is the Premier Open Source PHP Content Management system for creating dynamic and engaging Social Media Websites

In this free white paper, "Drupal and Social Media", Oshyn reviews the extensive Social Media features available in Drupal, one of the most popular Open Source Content Management Systems. Oshyn has integrated many commercial and Open Source CMS/WCM solutions within large enterprise environments and has helped clients select CMS/WCM solutions based on the specific requirements of each client such as: understanding the capabilities required for content re-use, integration, personalization, ecommerce, online marketing, search engine optimization, social media optimization, multilingual content, multi-device content, affiliate content sharing and extending the CMS solution into your enterprise.

Authored by one of Oshyn's Senior Drupal Developer, Eric Aguayo, this free white paper draws from Oshyn's extensive experience in Drupal Content Management System development and deep understanding of what businesses are looking for in social media for their websites. Specifically this Drupal Open Source CMS white paper explores:

-User Oriented Websites with Dynamic Content
-Drupal Core and Community Modules
-Social Media & Drupal as a CMF
-Pluggable Themes and Template Layout Flexibility
-Content Publishing and RSS Feeds
-User Comments
-Forums and Wikis
-Polls and Surveys
-Organic Groups
-User Relationships
-Flagging Favorite Content
-Messages and Notifications Integration
-Invite a Friend and Share Content
-Social Networks Integration
-Search Engine Optimization

The "Drupal Social Media" white paper can be downloaded for free at: http://www.oshyn.com/landingpages/drupal-social-media

"As social media continues to change the way that consumers and business engage, companies have become increasingly interested in how they can use Social Media features to help their business reach their customers in ways they haven't in the past," said Diego Rebosio, Chief Executive Officer, Oshyn. "Companies are looking to create communities on their websites, and to make it easier for their visitors to engage, share and discuss their content with each other and the company's brand. Drupal's extensive collection of Social Media modules, when implemented correctly, provides an edge not only for cost-conscious businesses, but for any business wanting to strengthen the bond to their customers in hopes of creating more revenue potential."

Oshyn recently released a white paper highlighting the pros and cons of choosing an Open Source CMS/WCM which can be downloaded at: http://www.oshyn.com/landingpages/open-source-cms-right-for-your-organization


Tags: cms white paper, drupal social media, drupal white paper, open source cms social media, open source cms white paper

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Kimberly McCabe
Press Contact, Oshyn, Inc
Oshyn, Inc
523 W 6th Street, Suite 330
Los Angeles, CA 90014