Osti-Klenz - Making Your Life Better Everyday - Osti-Klenz Makes Ostomy Care Easy

Osti-Klenz is a simple device designed for the cleaning of ostomy pouches and is the first product specifically designed for this purpose.

Osti-Klenz is a simple device designed for the cleaning of ostomy pouches and is the first product specifically designed for this purpose. In sixty seconds the ostomy pouch is clean and odor-free. The Osti-Klenz kit includes 2 Osti-Klenz nozzles, 2 Osti-Klenz squeezable bottles, and 2 bottle caps.

Osti-Klenz nozzle fits neatly into the neck of the ostomy pouch, directing clean water from the squeezable bottle into the pouch to loosen waste and produce a flush. Waste and liquid is emptied into the commode. Wash the Osti-Klenz nozzle and refill the bottle to be ready for the next use. The process is so quick and easy, it can be performed unobtrusively at home or in a public restroom.

Paul Rosenberg, the inventor of Osti-Klenz, created this product to help those who have had Colostomies and Ileostomies take back their lives. "Colostomies and Ileostomies used to mean you were stuck at home, tied to the bathroom," said Rosenberg. After having a total colectomy, Rosenberg found the limited options for cleaning an ostomy pouch unacceptable. Through the desire to take back the life he had prior to surgery, Osti-Klenz was born.

For more information and to purchase Osti-Klenz, visit www.osti-klenz.com. The national distribution of Osti-Klenz is handled by Lisman Holdings Inc., www.lismanholdings.com.


Tags: Colonostomy, Ileostomy, Ostomy Care, Ostomy Cleaning, Ostomy Supplies

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Jennifer Hess
Press Contact, Lisman Holdings