OTA Insight Announces Atomize is First RMS to Ingest Company's Revolutionary New Forward-Looking Data Sets

The industry-first partnership allows Atomize users to better understand traveler intent, helping them build strategies to capture recovering demand with the right rates and offers.

​​​​​​With hotel operators under pressure to maximize revenue from very little demand, any additional insight into future traveler intent is proving critical. For this reason, Atomize users will soon have more insight into the volume of travelers searching for and arriving in their market with the addition of OTA Insight’s Market Insight data. In an industry first, Market Insight data will be ingested directly into an RMS, affording hoteliers the ability to analyze and action forward-looking data all in one place, without having to bounce between several applications.

For hoteliers, this provides a unique competitive advantage and the ability to analyze behaviour earlier in the traveler journey, providing more accurate forecasts of demand, revenue and profitability. Market Insight data shows hoteliers in real time the amount of travelers searching across multiple channels for flights and accommodations in their market, data that has never before been ingested and analyzed in an RMS. Through this partnership, Atomize becomes the first revenue system to provide Market Insight data directly into their native application.

“Market conditions for hoteliers have changed drastically with fundamental shifts in traveler behaviour and constantly evolving demand patterns. Understanding traveler search patterns and upper funnel data has become essential for hotels to capture demand before their competition,” says Sean Fitzpatrick, CEO of OTA Insight. “This industry-first partnership with Atomize will enable hoteliers to make data-driven decisions and act quickly to capture revenue opportunities before they're lost.”

“There are many data sets available today for hotel revenue managers to make smarter decisions, but it complicates matters when the data needs pulled from various sources,” says Alexander Edström, CEO of Atomize. “In our relentless strive to become the world’s leading RMS with real-time precision pricing intelligence, ingesting Market Insight’s demand data allows Atomize to take a huge leap and enables us to offer hoteliers the most sophisticated RMS fit to manage hotel revenue post Covid-19.”

Market Insight is the only solution in the market that delivers a blend of aggregated sets of data to power demand forecasts in a single platform, empowering users to see when and where customers are looking to book in markets. Market Insight is built on a unique, AI-powered technology that taps into millions of top-of-funnel search and pricing data sources, including OTAs, GDSs, flight data, events, holidays, alternative lodging inventory, and meta review sites.

Based on aggregated sets of data, Market Insight feeds Atomize RMS with demand data that reflects the hotel booking demand and booking intent in any geographical hotel market, 365 days into the future. This will provide the Atomize RMS with unique insight into high demand days and market anomalies. The demand data will be processed together with Atomize’s other data sources, including both historical and future on the books data, to identify dates with high future revenue opportunities. 

For more information on Atomize, OTA Insight, or to schedule an interview with company executives, please contact Jason Freed at [email protected] or (330) 221-6068.

Source: OTA Insight


Tags: Atomize, Business Intelligence, Forward-Looking Data, hospitality, Market Insight, OTA Insight

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