Ott Consulting Inc. Provides GIS Presentation at PAAMA Conference

At OCI, we offer this valuable GIS service to all of our clients, both public and private.

"In March of 2015, Ott Consulting Inc. [OCI] hired a GIS Specialist to manage the firms growing GIS services." stated Jeffry Ott, PE, MBA and Principal Engineer at Ott Consulting. "GIS is an acronym for Geographic Information Systems, which is an asset management software program used by both government agencies and private developers to organize records and maintain assets", stated Ott.

Ott provided a presentation on GIS at the Pennsylvania Association of Asphalt Material Applicators [PAAMA] annual conference at Penn State University in November.  Approximately 30 PAAMA members attended the presentation.

"An agency needs to manage or represent these assets on a routine basis to support their day to day activities. This task can be accomplished with GIS"

Jeffrey Ott, President and Owner, Ott Consulting, Inc.

"The primary focus of my presentation included an introduction to GIS capabilities.  The presentation also concentrated on the utilization of this tool at a municipal level.   For example, asset management can be a time-consuming, data heavy undertaking.  In today’s information driven society, quick access to useful data is essential.  An agency needs to manage or represent these assets on a routine basis to support their day to day activities. This task can be accomplished with GIS." continued Ott.

"GIS can also make routine tasks more efficient.  Something as simple as a mailing list can be generated with a few clicks of a mouse, documents can be scanned and accessed digitally, and roadways can be monitored and inventoried in real time.  At OCI, we offer this valuable GIS service to all of our clients, both public and private."  concluded Mr. Ott.

More About Ott

Mr. Ott, a Principal Engineer, has over 25 years of site design, land development and municipal engineering experience. He is the founder of Ott Consulting Inc.

Mr. Ott graduated from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering, with a concentration in Geotechnical Engineering and Hydrology (Surface and Groundwater.) Upon graduation, Mr. Ott joined a large, multi-disciplined engineering firm and pursued a Master Degree in Business Administration. Mr. Ott graduated Summa Cum Laude (4.0 on a 4.0 scale) from DeSales University in 2004 with a M.B.A. Prior to founding Ott Consulting Inc. in 2003, Mr. Ott was the Regional Manager of the Site Design/Surveying Division for a large, international design firm.

Mr. Ott’s experience includes the preparation of plans and specifications for roadway and utility improvement projects for public bid, along with preparation of subdivision & land development plan sets for governmental, industrial, institutional, commercial and residential projects. He performs stormwater management analysis and design, grading design, floodplain boundary determination, stream crossing design and erosion & sediment pollution control facility design. He also secures permitting for construction activities such as NPDES Permits, General Permits and Joint Permits at the local, state, and federal levels. He has been responsible for all phases of work from initial Client contact through project completion including Construction Observation and Contract Administration. His experience includes representing Clients at local Planning Commission Meetings, Council Meetings, and Supervisors Meetings. He also provides Professional Witness Testimony at Zoning Hearings, Conditional Use Hearings, Special Exception Hearings and County Court cases involving stormwater management and the Stormwater Management Act 167 of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Ott is a 25 year member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Mr. Ott is also a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers. His volunteer activities include Board Member of the Slate Belt Chamber of Commerce, the Slate Belt Community Partnership as the Chairman of the Economic Re-structuring/Asset Enhancement Committee, member of the Emmaus Borough Building Code Appeals Board.


Lehigh Valley Office: Located in Emmaus, PA

  • 222 Main Street Emmaus, PA 18049
  • Phone: (610) 928-4690
  • Fax: (610) 928-4695
  • Email: [email protected]

Slate Belt Office: Located in Bangor, PA

  • PO Box 226
  • 187 Blue Valley Drive Bangor, PA 18013
  • Phone: (610) 588-2411
  • Fax: (610) 588-6280
  • Email: [email protected]


Tags: GIS, Preparation of Site Plans, Sewer Enforcement, Storm Water Management

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