Our.Guide Explains How to Encourage People to Stay at a Hotel Using Their New Website Widget

Our.Guide - Trip planner for hotel guests

Our.Guide SaaS solution is a new revolutionary software that is dedicated to every hotel owner. It is easy to use and has numerous advantages for the hotel guests as well as the hotel employees. 

The hotel guests simply look for tourist attractions before they arrive at the hotel. When a hotel guest has the Our.Guide widget, they can browse all available tourist attractions and then select the ones which are most suitable for them. They will get all necessary information from the widget, such as opening hours, ticket prices and the address. Moreover, distance to the particular attraction or event from the hotel is provided, which improves the day planning of the hotel guest. Nowadays, this type of solution is available in a few hundred hotels and it is expanding very fast.

Hotel guests are using the smart and informative tool every day. It is a real additional benefit. It is a fantastic travel guide, which brings a lot of fun, too.

Steffi Stark, Hotel Marketing Manager

The Our.Guide software provides numerous benefits for every type of accommodation providers:

  • Boost the organic search engine – the software is based on SEO long tail – it means that hotel website will be noticed as first results in the Google search engine which can bring more customers when the hotel guest type long tail, such as hotel+ near (tourist attraction or event)
  • Professional software for concierge – the Our.Guide is a huge guidebook with numerous local tourist attractions within 50 kilometers from the hotel. As an outcome, the concierge tasks can be reduced because the guests may learn about many interesting spots on their own and the hotel concierge may only have to book their tickets, plan their day and answer all necessary questions.
  • Encourage potential guests to book the room – the professional Our.Guide widget may be a reason to book the room. The hotel guests are sure that the hotel is close enough to the given tourist attractions.
  • More direct bookings – the widget may encourage the hotel guests to place the room order on your website, instead of the hundreds of other ones. 
  • SaaS software – means that it works independently and the hotel employees do not have to edit any information on the widget. It always provides updated data.
  • Works in 21 languages – the software is available in popular languages so it can be used by tourists from different countries. 
  • 14-day free trial 

About Our.Guide:

Our.Guide is a Polish company, established in Warsaw, in the capital of the country. The main purpose of the company is providing high quality SaaS software – Our.Guide that provides detailed information about local tourist attractions and events. 

John Paul II 61/211 St.
01-031 Warsaw, Poland
email address: [email protected]
phone number +48730484774

Source: Our.Guide


Tags: destination content, hospitality solution, hotel guest experience, hotel website, hotel widget, more direct bookings, trip planner

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Lucas Sobanski
Lucas Sobanski
Marketing and Communications Specialist, City Inspire SA
City Inspire SA
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