Outside The Box Graphic Design Gives Businesses Something to Brag About

South Florida marketing company Outside The Box Graphic Design helps meet businesses' strategic branding and marketing goals through creative design and copywriting services

Maria Del Vecchio noticed early on that businesses didn't have the time to effectively market nor the resources to efficiently promote their companies.

That's when she started Outside The Box Graphic Design, a full-service marketing company based in Boca Raton, Fla. that handles all clients' branding and promotional needs within their budgets.

"With the economy the way it is, many companies don't have the discretionary funds to put toward marketing," says Del Vecchio. "But it is more important now than ever for them to get out there and saturate the market with their names and their brands," she says.

The South Florida creative firm has since provided promotional support services like event photography and event planning to brand building via logo design and copywriting, all in the name of creating "business brag," as defined by the company's website as "a unique characteristic, attractive achievement, or stellar service a company has the right to let be known and show off."

With a focus on making start-ups stand out and giving larger companies an image boost, Del Vecchio's current roster of clients includes law firms, florists, salons and spas, bakeries, interior designers, and construction companies. She adds that many of her clients were unable to brand their companies at start-up, but with their growth, redesigning their image became crucial to building and continuing on with their names in their respective industries.

Whether the job requires concise word design or solid graphic work, Del Vecchio and her associates apply the catchphrase 'thinking outside the box' to each project.

"To design outside the box is to look further and try not to think of the obvious things, but try and think beyond that," says Del Vecchio. "We create things that are new and fresh and that are unlike the standard cookie-cutter style designs out there."


Tags: creative services, graphic design, marketing

About Outside The Box Graphic Design

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Marisha Kelly
Press Contact, Outside The Box Graphic Design
Outside The Box Graphic Design
21218 St. Andrews Blvd., Suite 211
Boca Raton, FL 33433