Ovarian Cysts: How much is the Risk for a Woman Suffering From It?
Online, October 5, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Natick, MA, October 5, 2010 - Fibroids or cysts in the ovary have become common place in the lives of many women around the world. While a cyst is technically a tumor it doesn't really mean you have cancer. It could be a benign tumor that stops growth after a certain period, yet it does hinder with some other body processes in the affinity. On the other hand, the cancerous growth is alarming and is the malignant nature of the tumor that gets you on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Most often than not there are no external symptoms for the presence of an ovarian cyst, however, in some other cases sever pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the tummy region, increased pain during menses and frequent urinating-like sensations due to the pressure applied by the outgrowth on the adjacent urinary bladder with a consequent pain while urinating are by far the most pre-dominant symptoms of ovarian cysts. The pain might be caused due to the internal bleeding of the cysts.
Dr. Urvashi Jha, Gynecologists with Apollo Hospital comments, "Cysts are tumors, most cysts are non-cancerous so one needn't be too worried. These cysts are functional cysts or follicular cysts or follicles." When asked how to detect when these cysts enter the danger zone of acquiring cancerous properties she says, "It is very difficult to say, the only way you can tell is when you have actually removed it and examined it under the microscope. So you don't really know until it's removed."
Most cysts disappear with time and routine supervised medical treatment and may not need any sophisticated treatment for Ovarian Cysts ( http://www.cureovariancysts.org ) but there are other cysts that give these serious symptoms that need to remove at once and examined. Frequent occurrence of cysts should also be kept at check. Laparoscopy and laparotomy are two popular methods of cyst removal. The other treatment for Ovarian Cancer method through medications is subjecting the patient to birth control pills, this deters with the normal functions of the ovary thus causing a cease in the formation of cysts. However, a point to be noted here is birth control pills also are listed as one of the causes of ovarian cysts.
Patients can also undergo a holistic treatment for ovarian cysts ( http://www.cureovariancysts.org ). This method is devoid of any surgery, medication and their subsequent side-effects. Other than these a well balanced nutrition and routine exercise would eventually keep these dreadful cysts at bay.
About CureOvarianCysts.org:
An informational website on the natural methods that is proven and effective in the treatment of ovarian cysts.
For more information please visit: http://www.cureovariancysts.org
Tags: cure ovarian cysts, ovarian cysts, ovarian cysts treatment, treatment for ovarian cysts