Overcoming Data Collection and System Challenges in Real World Studies, Upcoming Webinar Presented Byr Cmed

​Cmed Clinical Research Services will present a webinar to discuss key challenges in data collection for Real-World Studies on March 30. The session will focus on strategies and system features to help facilitate data acquisition, as well as ways to manage data effectively to ensure high-quality and efficient data flow.

Cmed staff Kirsten Bulpitt, Director of Clinical Data Management, and Stephane Forrer, Associate Director of Systems Management, will present the live webinar on Monday, March 30, 2020, at 10 a.m. EDT (3 p.m. BST/UK).

There is an increasing drive and focus on the collection and use of real-world data within the pharmaceutical industry. With advances in technology and further development of personalized medicine, the demand for real-world data to support the drug development lifecycle continues to gain momentum, as well as support, from regulatory agencies.

The field of real-world data extends across a diverse spectrum of data sources from the unstructured (e.g. EHRs and wearables) to the more structured observational and registry studies. This webinar will focus on the data collection and system challenges in structured observational and registry studies collecting retrospective and prospective real-world data.

This webinar will:

·       Present key challenges in data collection

·       Review strategies and system features to help facilitate data acquisition

·       Demonstrate effective management of data to ensure high-quality and efficient data flow

·       Discuss the maintenance of efficient data flows

·       Draw examples from experience in oncology research

For more information or to register for this event, visit Overcoming Data Collection and System Challenges in Real-World Studies.

About Cmed Clinical Research Services

Cmed provides specialist data and analytics services for clinical trials with over 350 staff globally. The company has delivered over 700 studies across all phases with clients from top 10 pharma companies to small biopharma.

Cmed has experience in managing large registry studies, understands their unique challenges and uses technologies, including encapsia, to optimize complex data flows to allow greater flexibility and provide real-time visual access to all study data.

Cmed Clinical Research Services

Ashurst, Broadlands Business Campus

Langhurstwood Road, Horsham RH12 4QP, UK

+44 1403 755 050


Ian Macholl, Marketing Manager, Cmed Group.

T: +44 1403 755 050 E: [email protected]

Stephanie Langouet, Chief Operations Officer, Cmed Clinical Research Services.

T: +44 1403 755 050 E: [email protected]

Source: Cmed Clinical Research Services


Tags: clinical trial data, clinical trials, Cmed, real world data, real world trials