Overcoming the Obstacles of Providing Radiology Equipment to Russia

Shipping a cold head MRI is no easy feat. These devices rely on helium to maintain their temperature. However, the helium slowly escapes when the MRI isn't powered.

Siemens Hi-Field Mobile MRI

​Amber Diagnostics has just completed a project of shipping and installing a Siemens Mobile Hi-Field MRI from Orlando, FL, to Russia. 

Shipping a cold head MRI is no easy feat. These devices rely on helium to maintain their temperature. However, the helium slowly escapes when the MRI isn’t powered. If the helium level gets below 15 percent, the device is at risk of being permanently damaged.

In order to prevent this, Amber Diagnostics carefully planned out several safety precautions for the device’s journey. The first step was to ship the MRI from Orlando to Seattle with a power generator. Upon arrival, the generator was immediately hooked up to the MRI to prevent helium from escaping.

Amber Diagnostics’ engineer, Nick, traveled with and took care of the MRI. He braved the cold and continuously added fuel to the device’s power generator during his stay in a Seattle hotel. Nick carefully maintained the MRI through a five-day logistics delay, after which the device was shipped from Seattle to Vladivostok Port.

From Vladivostok, the Mobile MRI was transported by truck to Yakutsk, Russia. Carefully driven through icy mountain roads, the truck safely made it to Yakutsk. Upon arrival, the mobile MRI device was found to have retained 80 percent of its helium level and its helium lifetime was estimated at four to five years.


About Amber Diagnostics

Amber’s Diagnostic’s 25,000 sq. ft. facility is located in Orlando, Florida. Since 1994, Amber has been refurbishing, selling, and buying medical imaging equipment throughout America and Internationally. Their services include de-installation, refurbishment, installation, training, shipping, servicing, and storing of all equipment. They provide technical support and training on all equipment. Go to Amber Diagnostics for affordable full-refurbishing service on diagnostic imaging modalities.

Media Contact: Marketing Director (Stefan Dueck) Email: [email protected]

Source: Amber Diagnostics


Tags: amber diagnostics, global trade, healthcare, hi-field mri, hospital, imaging center, inspiring stories, mass physician, mobile mri, radiology