Overland Park Auto Detailing Company Offering Mobile Fleet Wash

Overland Park business owners can now take advantage of KC Detailing's new mobile fleet washing services.

The Overland Park auto detailing company, KC Detailing, has announced their new mobile fleet washing services. Usually offering high end detailing services on vehicles ranging from Fords to Ferraris, the car detailing company is now outfitted to service large fleets of vehicles as well.

Overland Park is a hotbed for a variety of service industries varying from heating and cooling, plumbing, cable, lawn care and more. Each of these companies has the daunting task of maintaining their fleet. For many businesses, fleet vehicles are more than service cars for a revenue making task - they are driving billboards filled with advertisement on their wraps representing the company image. Keeping auto fleets looking good is an important issue for businesses these days. KC Detailing has seized the opportunity of the increasing significance of fleet appearance by creating its exclusive fleet division.

In times past maintaining the cleanliness of automotive fleets fell on the shoulders of automatic car washes or personal care by staff. KC Detailing owner Tim Dodd comments on the changes in the industry, "We talk to a lot of fleet managers who are really excited that there's a mobile fleet washing service. All they have to do is make a call and we come out. They don't have to waste their labor hours on moving vehicles anymore and it's very cost effective for them. It frees up their time to make more money. It's a much more convenient approach than the old way of setting aside the time and energy to do it yourselves. Not to mention their fleets always look great."

To meet the demand for mobile fleet washing in the Overland Park area KC Detailing is making its fleet division a top priority. From box trucks to vans and sedans the mobile detailing company is staying very busy offering everything from quick exterior washes to more thorough interior and exterior packages. In an age when big business often runs the show, KC Detailing wants to develop personal relationships with each client to meet different needs. "We have different fleet packages to choose from, but we understand that each business is a little different and may value different things, " says company administrator Isaac Anderson, "we do our best to be flexible and taylor what we can for each client. There aren't many relational businesses like that these days, and we want to treat our clients as best we can."

KC Detailing is offering their fleet washing services year round. Seasonal temperatures don't stop this auto detailing company. As long as the water won't freeze, they'll be outside working. KC Detailing employee Dexter Devaney comments, "Summer time is easy. It's hot, but easy. Winter is the most challenging time. When it gets cold we bundle up. We'll keep working as long as we don't have to worry about ice. We have to push through it because business doesn't stop during the winter for our customers. They usually have us out during company staff meetings year round. They go in for a few hours, get their business done and when they come out their fleets are done with no time wasted in the day."

The future looks bright for this diverse Overland Park auto detailing company. They're putting their hands in as many cookie jars as possible and it's paying off. Sales have increased every year since their founding in 2009 and the staff is bracing themselves for even more growth. That's something to consider since many businesses have slowed since the economic crisis of 2008. All that has this journalist convinced that KC Detailing is just getting started. Keep up to date with this up and coming business at http://www.kcdetailing.com/company-car-detailing/auto-detailing-areas/kansas/overland-park/


Tags: auto, Detailing, overland park

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Isaac Anderson
Press Contact, KC Detailing
KC Detailing
9202 Nieman Rd
Overland Park, KS 66214
United States