Overview on Fish Oil

Fish oil is a kind of oil that can be extracted from the tissues of the oily fish. The fish oils comprise of EPA, DHA and also eicosanoids which are a kind of precursors.

Fish oil is a kind of oil that can be extracted from the tissues of the oily fish. The fish oils comprise of EPA, DHA and also eicosanoids which are a kind of precursors. Precursors are capable of reducing any kind of inflammation occurring to your body. Fish do not have the capability of producing omega 3 fatty acids but they accumulate omega 3 - fatty acids with the intake of prey fish as well as microalgae. High amount of selenium as well as iodide gets accumulated with the consumption of microalgae. The fishes like tilefish, sharks and swordfish contain large amount of omega 3 fatty acids but can also produce toxic things through biomagnifications.

Benefits of Consuming Fish Oil

There are various advantages in consuming fish oil. The fish oil is capable of solving many different health issues. The various diseases can be solved by making use of fish oil.Cancer is the kind of disease that is highly dangerous. This disease can be solved to a greater extend with the consumption of fish oil. Omega 3 fatty acid is capable of reducing the growth of prostate cancer. The chances for breast cancer are low in women who consume fish regularly.

Cardiovascular diseases are very common in this hectic world and can be solved with the consumption of fish oil daily. It is advised that the pregnant as well as nursing ladies are suggested to avoid the intake of fish due to the presence of contamination. The dosage of the fish oil for solving cardiovascular diseases depends on the weight of the person. There is a limit in the intake of fish oil and if it exceeds 3 grams then can cause heavy bleeding and can even cause stroke and so it should be consumed as per the suggestion of a physician.

Hypertension is another health condition that can be solved with the consumption of adequate amount of omega 3 fatty acids which are part of the fish oil. The only thing that you need to take care is that you should get the suggestion from a physician regarding the dosage before you are starting with the intake of it. Another greater advantage associated with the consumption of fish oil is that it can help in reducing the chances for the occurrence of depression as well as suicide. Alzeimer's disease can also be prevented to a greater extend with the consumption of fish oil as it can be helpful in protecting brain from different problems that are related with Alzheimer's disease.

Maximum Consumption
Even though fish oil has many health benefits, it cannot be consumed without the prescription of a physician regarding it's dosage. High dosage of fish oil can even be harmful to life as it can increase bleeding and may result in stroke. The dosage may vary depending on the weight of the person but usually it is suggested to take maximum of 3000mg of fish oil a day. It may vary for healthy persons. There are chances for contamination in the fish oil and so increased consumption can be really harmful.


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