OVLG Introduces Question Answer Platform to Help People with Their Financial Questions

Oak View Law Group introduces a question answer platform to help people with legal and financial queries. People will be able to get answers from experts without paying any consultation fees.

California- Oak View Law Group (OVLG), a leading consumer law firm of California, has recently introduced an answer section on their website called "OVLG Answers" in an attempt to answer consumer questions related to debt laws, bankruptcy laws, company formation, wills and trusts.

Speaking on the event, Mr. Virendra Kalani, President, says, "We have been very keen to introduce this section on our website and today we are very delighted to announce the successful launch of the venture. Since we were continuously looking for new ways to help our clients and other consumers, we found this initiative a good medium to do the same. In this answers section, any consumer can now ask a question and can get a legal answer as soon as possible by our experts."

"We have even introduced such a system so that consumers, besides questioning anonymously, will also be able to answer anonymously if they wish. We are continuously monitoring the performance of the section, the user participation, and trying to take this one step ahead from where it's today.", he added.

Though the venture has been introduced lately, this answer section has already started fetching good number of participants. For the convenience of users, the topics have been divided into categories like Creditors and Collection Agencies, Budgeting, Credit report and score, etc.

The most appealing thing is, here a consumer is getting legal advice for his particular financial situations without paying any legal consultation fees. If the consumer is satisfied with the answer, he can vote it up. Otherwise, he can vote it down.

"Since the launch, we have received many feedback. We are delighted as most of the feedback are positive. There are also a few suggestions intended for the betterment of the section. We have already started working on those.", Mr. Kalani said.

About Oak View Law Group:

Oak View Law Group (OVLG) is a law firm founded in 2007 and registered with the California State Bar Association. It comprises Associate and of counsel attorneys from different states of the US. OVLG basically deals with consumer laws and helps people by bankruptcy filings, debt relief services, company formation, defamation protection, wills & trusts. For more information, visit www.ovlg.com. For more information : http://www.ovlg.com/answers/


Tags: financial questions, Oak View Law Group, ovlg

About Oak View Law Group

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Oak View Law Group is a top-notch law firm in the country offering best legal services in the country. It is dedicated to help financially challenged people save money and get out of debt troubles since 2007. It has a powerful attorney hub to protect

Armando Macdonald
Press Contact, Oak View Law Group
Oak View Law Group
4966 El Camino Real STE 225, Los Altos, CA 94022, United States
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