PacificHost Now Includes CPremote Backups For Customers

Los Angeles, CA January 7th, 2013- PacificHost, a leading provider of Linux-based cPanel hosting solutions for social media and video sharing websites recently announced the addition of CPremote to it's shared and reseller hosting services. CPremote

PacificHost, a leading provider of Linux-based cPanel hosting solutions for social media and video sharing websites recently announced the addition of CPremote to it's shared and reseller hosting services. CPremote gives customers the ability to view, manage, and restore backups of their account on PacificHost's remote servers.

PacificHost was previously using R1soft to manage it's backup services, however the system was plagued with issues and didn't provide a reliable way to perform, or restore backups. In late last year, PacificHost began working on implementing a new backup solution that would increase the reliability and ease of management for it's backup system.

The company maintains backups for thousands of customers across only a handful of backup servers, each with a storage capacity of up to 64TB of disk space. Utilizing custom coded software, the company was able to setup Rsync backups which it maintains for all of it's customers.

CPremote bridges the gap between command line, and GUI(graphical User Interface) by giving the customer the ability to restore their entire account, specific files, in addition to mail and MySQL databases. When the customer requests a restore, CPremote immediately contacts the backup server to restore the specified item. With this ability, customers no longer need to contact Pacifichost in order to restore their account.

This new backup functionality is immediately available to all Pacifichost Shared and Reseller customers. While the company does currently perform backups for its VPS customers, the ability for customers to restore directly from their VPS control panel is not currently available, however the company plans to release similar functionality for this later in the year.

About Pacific Host
Originally formed in 1999, PacificHost provides high quality shared and reseller hosting solutions to clients worldwide. Hosting includes unique features such as built-in Cloud Software, Video Streaming Software such as FFmpeg, USA based support, Nginx and more.


Tags: backup, Cpremote, fullbackup

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Thomas Perry
Press Contact, PacificHost
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