PADI Course Director Giny Awarded at PADI IDC Gili Air

PADI Course Director Giny has received the PADI Silver Course Director rating. She is now 1 year course director at PADI IDC Gili Air.

PADI Course Director Giny awarded with the silver rating.

A year ago to the date, marks the beginning of a very important step in Giny Pinto's professional life! She started the Padi Course Director Training Course in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia so that her extended career as a scuba diving instructor would take her to another level at Oceans 5 Dive - teach scuba instructors in the Gili Islands, Indonesia.

Barely a year has passed since she certified her first instructors and Giny has already won the Padi Silver Course Director award. In June 2016, she embarked on her new journey teaching her first PADI IDC Gili Air to a group of 6 instructors to be, in Oceans 5 Dive.

"I learned so much from the candidates on this first-hand experience, the most valuable lesson was how to develop the team spirit with people coming from various backgrounds, training and abilities." She thinks this is a very important skill to have in the dive industry as the future instructors mostly will have to work in a team, and a great team can achieve great results.

Oceans 5 Dive runs 12 multilingual IDCs each year, so together with the 3 other resident Padi Course Directors in-house, Giny has learned a great deal more about her short time achievement. "I am a fan of workshops during which the candidates get a lot of confidence practicing real life teaching experiences. With each course, new ideas come up which I implement the next month," she said.

A few Padi Master Instructors asked to join and assist her programs in 2016, and she had the chance to work closely with some of the most experienced Course Directors in the region. So there is no stopping her.

When asked about next year, she smiles and affirms, "Next year? I will have the Platinum rating."

For more information about PADI IDC Gili Air with PADI Course Director Giny Pinto write her an email at [email protected]

Source: PADI IDC Gili Air


Tags: Gili Air, PADI, PADI IDC Gili Air, PADI IDC Gili Islands, PADI IDC Indonesia, Scuba

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