Panacoin Announces the Launch of A Social Media Breakthrough

Panacoin is the next evolution in Social Media where Privacy, Profit-sharing, & Promotion thrive in concert.

What exactly is Panacoin? 

Panacoin is the next evolution in Social Media where Privacy, Profit-sharing, & 
Promotion thrive in concert. 
A small team of entrepreneurs in Denmark have finally struck the perfect balance 
between a truly secure system and one that remains organically social. Privacy 
issues online have remained a hot topic over the year with some sites having to 
limit functionality in favor of security and vice-versa. With Panacoin, users can 
freely Share, Connect, and Promote in a natural, worry-free environment! 

We have limitless exciting ideas for the future. We have projected a 10-year plan with one new feature added every three months.

Tarek, Besbes


As more and more of our life migrates online one must wonder how ‘public’ our 
personal lives have truly become. It is all to easy to turn a blind eye to the fact that 
the firms, in which we trust our private information, are run and operated by 
hundreds if not thousands of individual employees.

Panacoin has taken many steps to insure that your future self is protected from
the sharing decisions you make today! Implementing an end-to-end encryption 
system means your data is already encrypted by the time it reaches their servers! 
Panacoin additionally holds no ownership of the content you post on the site, 
when you delete content or your account everything vanishes from the database 
without a hidden clause of site ownership keeping it around!  

A new kind of Social 

While Security & Privacy work to ensure your social experience is safe and secure it 
was paramount to the Panacoin team that the experience remain as organic and 
natural as possible! Doing away with a Cookie based advertising system, Panacoin 
instead tailors your ads based on your expressed interests on-site, giving you 
direct control over what you see and what is shared with you!

Indiegogo is Live! 

The team has just launched their Indiegogo campaign in order to bring Panacoin 
through development and online in a timely, crowdsourced manner! 




Tags: advertising, encrypted, encryption, family, friends, marketing, privacy, social media, tech, virtual currency

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The next evolution in Social Media where Privacy, Profit-sharing, & Promotion thrive in concert.
Panacoin is a new social media website that has been developed to restore privacy and fill what is missing in today's social media.

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