Parent-School Collaboration Linked to Student Success: Trinity Preparatory Academy's Unique Approach to Collaboration
Online, January 25, 2013 ( - This emphasis on collaboration was one reason Dr. Elizabeth Swanson, UT Professor in the College of Education, was attracted to the model. "There is a large body of research pointing to the connection between increased parental involvement and improved educational outcomes for children. Additionally, we've heard from many parents who desire to be more active in their child's education. We feel like the university-model school accomplishes this connection and involvement in a very meaningful way."
In the University-Model, Grammar School students attend campus two days per week for professional instruction and receive instruction in the satellite classroom at home the other three days. A parent "co-teacher" facilitates at-home instruction using the curriculum selected by Trinity Preparatory Academy. Through the use of an online portal, parents access lesson plans to be used in the satellite classroom for the week and communicate directly with faculty on a daily basis. Additionally, weekly parent meetings are held to discuss curriculum, and parents receive further support through Family Ministries and fellowship opportunities.
The school year will begin with a unique school-wide orientation. Dr. Swanson explains that "the workshop format of Trinity Preparatory orientation allows parents and teachers to form the relationship necessary to successfully facilitate the university-model." Parents will learn instructional techniques and curriculum components in workshop-style sessions.
Trinity Preparatory Academy has long-term plans to expand to K-12. School leaders are currently seeking a physical location for the school. Join the Board of Directors for Parent Information Night on February 21, 7-8 pm to hear more about the university model, classical education and to meet the Head of School. Trinity Preparatory Academy is a non-profit organization and is affiliated with the National Association of University-Model Schools. Please visit for more information.
Tags: Christian school, home school, private school