ParetoLogic Offers PC Health Advisor in Nine New Languages

ParetoLogic's popular all-in-one software, PC Health Advisor, has been re-launched in nine additional languages, including Spanish, German, and other European languages.

Millions of non-English speakers now have access to PC Health Advisor, the all-in-one PC utility. Developed by ParetoLogic, the software combines some of the company's top technology, to stop system errors, improve performance, and remove malware. All these features are now fully accessible in a total of 10 languages.

French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and, of course, the original English round out PC Health Advisor's supported languages. The additional dialects add dozens of countries and at least two continents to PC Health Advisor's user base.

"The fact is, too many software developers make assumptions about their users and their preferred language," said Barry Dodd, VP Business Operations at ParetoLogic. "We know that there are millions of non-English Windows users that need a solution to improve their PC, and we're happy to provide that solution."

Each element within the PC Health Advisor application was painstaking translated and reviewed for accuracy. Along with the program itself, product pages, shopping cart pages, and customer support were all created anew in each language.

"Due to the minor shifts in connotations, tone, and mood, translating these items required the utmost in care. We designed PC Health Advisor to make computer maintenance as easy as possible - these languages remove even more barriers between users and improving their PCs," said Dodd.

The translated PC Health Advisor product information can be viewed by selecting the preferred language via a drop down menu on the PC Health Advisor product page. From the translated pages, users can download the software in the appropriate language.


Tags: europe, language, paretologic, PC Health Advisor, Software, Spanish, translate

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