ParetoLogic Staff Charities An Annual Tradition
Online, December 20, 2012 ( - As 2012 draws to a close, the staff at ParetoLogic closed out their annual fundraising efforts with a bang, donating cash, gifts, and essentials to local charities. Mustard Seed, Santa's Anonymous, Coats for a Cause and the BC Children's Hospital all received donations from ParetoLogic, the staff, and founders.
"We are delighted to help our local community during the holiday season and throughout the year, and are continually inspired by the efforts that our staff put forward to help those in need," said Barry Dodd, ParetoLogic General Manager.
Victoria's Mustard Seed accepts not only cans and non-perishables, but cash too. ParetoLogic raised almost $5,400 dollars and more than 60 pounds of food for the local food bank. Following that, for another year ParetoLogic staff selected children to give gifts to, as part of Santa's Anonymous. Thirty children from underprivileged families received a special gift this year thanks to the ParetoLogic participants in Santa's Anonymous.
As part of the annual Coats for a Cause clothing drive, ParetoLogic donated over 40 winter coats and sweaters, along with blankets, hats, gloves and scarves. The local charity is organized by the Victoria Cool Aid Society. ParetoLogic founders also went the extra mile to purchase and donate five iPad 2 tablets to the Child Life Department at the BC Children's Hospital. The new Apple devices will help children understand their treatments and be used in classrooms, as well as provide entertainment and fun.
"That we've been able to raise these kinds of contributions every year is thanks entirely to our staff- the ParetoLogic family," said Dodd. "Their generosity and enthusiasm makes these donations happen, and generate more than a little holiday spirit."
Tags: Charity, Christmas, Donation, fundraiser, paretologic