Parker and Sons Creates a Triangle of Mutual Benefit With the Special Olympics

Parker and Sons generously donates to the Special Olympics with their Everybody Wins Program. The Everybody Wins Program is a triangle of mutual benefit between Parker and Sons, their customers', and the Special Olympics.

Parker and Sons generously donates to the Special Olympics with their Everybody Wins Program. The Everybody Wins Program is a triangle of mutual benefit between Parker and Sons, their customers’, and the Special Olympics. For every customer maintenance call Parker and Sons vows to donate $5 dollars to the Special Olympics, and for every new AC they install $25 dollars will be donated on behalf of the customer. Last year the program raised over $400,000 dollars and Parker and Sons has high hopes that they will surpass that amount this year.

“The Everybody Wins program is a chance to support the athletes of the Special Olympics with the help of our customers and our family here at Parker and Sons,” said Josh Kelly, Partner at Parker and Sons.

The Special Olympics started as a day camp for children and adults with mental disabilities. Since then, it has evolved into one of the largest charitable organizations in the world supporting more than 4.4 million athletes world-wide on almost every continent and major country. Some of the events include bocce, swimming, ribbon dancing, competitive diving, lacrosse, archery, snow skiing, and billiards. No doubt the athletes appreciate the chance to compete and volunteers are enraptured by the smiles on the athlete’s faces.

No doubt Parker and Sons and The Special Olympics was a fated relationship. With over forty years of customer care and earning the title of Arizona’s number one service provider several times over, Parker and Sons is ingrained in the Phoenix community and happy to support one of its largest charities. The Everybody wins programs is an opportunity for the customers, Parker and Sons, and The Special Olympics to all share some of the success experienced by the plumbers of Phoenix, Arizona.

About Parker and Sons

Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

Contact Information

Josh Kelly
[email protected]


Tags: cooling, heating, HVAC, plumbing

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Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

Parker & Sons
3636 East Anne Street (Ste A)
Phoenix, AZ 85050