Parker & Sons Offers Crucial Summer Energy Savings Advice
Phoenix, AZ, July 22, 2016 ( - Here in Phoenix, everyone knows that when temperatures start rising, so do home energy bills. There is simply no way around it. It is impossible to live without air conditioning during the summer. Inside a building, it can feel as hot as the inside of an oven. Summer days are long. Prolonged direct heat from the sun can be downright dangerous. For this reason, Phoenicians take to air conditioned rooms to survive. Air conditioning when it is this hot out requires a lot of energy and can be very expensive. Parker & Sons offers crucial energy savings advice.
In order to save money, homeowners will need to make cuts. Parker & Sons notes that cuts do not need to have a large impact on daily life. Most water heaters have a default setting of 140 degrees. This is extremely hot. Such warm showers are particularly unpleasant during the summer. In fact, surveys show that most individuals prefer a lukewarm or cool shower during summer. To save energy, homeowners can change the temperature setting of their water heater to 120. The difference will be negligible regarding comfort but significant regarding energy savings.
Everyone wants to find ways to save money. Every summer, the power bill becomes one of the biggest expenses facing most families. By making several small changes, homeowners may be able to save more than $50 a month!" said Josh Kelly of Parker & Sons.
Josh Kelly
Next, homeowners would be advised to look at the temperature settings of their refrigerator and freezer. Often, these temperatures are set much lower than they need to be. Making small adjustments can net big savings. Homeowners can set the temperature of the refrigerator to 39 degrees without having to worry about their food. The freezer can be comfortably set to 30 degrees without worry. These appliances need to work overtime to maintain low temperatures during the summer. Small adjustments will make a big difference.
Finally, homeowners can look towards their thermostat. Comfort is important, but changing the setting by just 2-4 degrees can result in big savings. Parker & Sons encourages experimentation. Homeowners can try one day at one temperature and then adjust for the next day. Eventually, they will find their ideal comfort level.
“Everyone wants to find ways to save money. Every summer, the power bill becomes one of the biggest expenses facing most families. By making several small changes, homeowners may be able to save more than $50 a month!” said Josh Kelly of Parker & Sons.
Source: Parker and Sons
Tags: Air Conditioning & Cooling, air conditioning and cooling, Drain Cleaning, electrical, plumbing repair