Parker & Sons Speaks on the Importance of Routine HVAC Maintenance

With over 40 years in business, Parker & Sons has installed thousands of HVAC units in homes all across Arizona. Even the best HVAV units break down over time. While Parker & Sons offers fast, easy, and affordable HVAC installation, they understand that it is a process that homeowners would like to go through as infrequently as possible. For this reason, it is important to schedule routine HVAC maintenance. Now that the heat of summer has largely abated, there is no better time to schedule a maintenance appointment.

Parker & Sons would like to inform homeowners than some aspect of routine HVAC maintenance can be done without the assistance of a professional technician. Changing air filters is a good thing for homeowners to do on their own. Companies like Energy Star recommend filters be changed every three months to maintain a unit’s peak efficiency.

Parker & Sons further advises on excellent ways homeowners can extend the life of their HVAC unit. Although it may not be considered maintenance, easing off the thermostat by a few degrees will greatly lesson the load placed on the home HVAC unit. Parker & Sons informs homeowners that amount of energy required to cool a home from 70 degrees, to 68 is rather significant.

A visual inspection can also be performed by homeowners on a semi-regular basis. They should keep an eye on for dirt and debris gathering around the HVAC unit. Parker & Sons comments that it is also a good idea to inspect a unit’s drain opening. Obstructions to the drain could lead to major damage. It is wise to clear them out if they exist.

There are a few aspect of seasonal maintenance that can also extend the life of an HVAC unit. Once or twice a year it is important to lubricate a unit’s moving parts. Homeowners may not want to do this task on their own. They should contact a trained and NATE certified HVAC technicians. Although maintenance does cost money, it could end up saving homeowners thousands of dollars in the long run.

“Routine HVAC maintenance. It may not be your favorite thing in the world to think about, but it is something you should think about none the less. Ignoring maintenance could potentially take years off the life of your HVAC unit, not to mention negatively impacting the unit’s energy efficiency. People who enroll in our maintenance agreement plan become Parker Family Member which ensure they will always receive the highest quality maintenance services. I really don’t think there is any better way to extend the life of your HVAC unit than joining the Parker & Sons family,” said Josh Kelly of Parker & Sons.

About Parker & Sons

Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

Contact Information

Josh Kelly
[email protected]

Source: Parker and Sons


Tags: Air Conditioning & Cooling, air conditioning and cooling, Drain Cleaning, electrical, plumbing repair

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Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

Parker & Sons
3636 East Anne Street (Ste A)
Phoenix, AZ 85050