Patricia Berkly Comments On Cultural Diversity Training Activities
Online, March 8, 2012 (
Cultural diversity training activities would keep managers and staff apprised of a recent trend in discrimination. Cultural diversity training activities would remind staff that decisions made by association to a protected class are also actionable under Title VII. For example, cultural diversity training activities should educate staff that refusing to hire a woman because of perceived conflicts she might have taking care of her disabled husband is a violation of Title VII. Cultural diversity training activities would educate staff that penalizing the care giver of a pregnant partner or child is a problem.
Cultural diversity training activities are meant to assist managers from making unlawful assumptions about staff who are associated with family who are protected under Title VII. Cultural diversity training activities would educate staff that the most frequent occurrence happens in a mixed marriage situation. The white staff member who is penalized for a having a spouse or partner of a different race, or multi-racial children should also know through cultural diversity training activities that they are protected if a boss discriminates against them because of the association. Cultural diversity training activities are critical for both the employee and the manager. Cultural diversity training activities should educate beyond social engineering; cultural diversity training activities should include EEO rules updates.
Managers can benefit from cultural diversity training activities. Regular cultural diversity training activities keep an organization up to date regarding discrimination by association. Other topics of cultural diversity training activities would highlight the baby boomers and the rise in age discrimination. Cultural diversity training activities will update staff on the trends in women holding a majority of American jobs. Cultural diversity training activities are a necessary part of conducting business and these same cultural diversity training activities are indispensable as cultural diversity training activities which support EEO rules training are critical in keeping organizations safe from discrimination complaints.
Tags: cultural diversity training acti, discrimination, harassment