Patricia Berkly LLC And Podcasts
Online, July 9, 2013 ( - A great way to get "free information" is to access podcasts from various experts. With this in mind, Patricia Berkly LLC has offered a number of pod casts in the last few months. Dr. Leah Hollis conducted a podcasts with JenningsWIRE with the theme of "Ignite your staff." The fire of motivate can wane for staff who are over stressed, feeling disrespected, or just unengaged. Dr. Leah Hollis offers strategies which revolve around respect and inspiration which can help a staff get out of its rut and move on to powerful problem solving.
During May and June, both Dr. Leah Hollis and Dr. Jeffrey Holmes have offered podcasts through the BLUE FUNK RADIO group discussing issues which have an impact on the workplace. Dr. Hollis addressed workplace bullying and bullying in athletics. With her experience in athletics, and recent book, BULLY IN THE IVORY TOWER which focused specifically on bullying in higher education, Dr. Hollis addressed the concerns many have about college sports and potential abuse faced by the players.
Dr. Holmes also offered a podcast in regard to his book, THE ACCESSIBLE COLLEGE: A GUIDE TO TRANSITION STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES FROM HIGH SCHOOL TO COLLEGE. During his podcast, Dr. Holmes gave invaluable information for parents of students with disabilities, and for high school counselors looking to assist students with disabilities.
While the JENNINGS WIRE podcast is on the JENNINGS WIRE online magazine, the Blue Funk Radio podcasts are available on the Patricia Berkly you tube channel. All options are great ways to get expert information on important topics regarding equity and access
Tags: access, diversity training, equity