Patti LaBelle Fan Celebrates Eight Years Loving Patti On The Internet

I met Ms. Patti April 21, 2003 after being a fan for decades. It was such a special day, which I will share with you in today. I am retired at 45 so I keep busy keeping Ms. Patti LaBelle represented all over the internet out of love.

Greetings! If you are reading this you are either a Patti LaBelle fan or interested in her which is wonderful. I have been a fan of Ms. Patti LaBelle's since her first solo album came out. I remember hearing the track "You Are My Friend" and I could not believe the emotions i was feeling the the voice that I was hearing. I played the song again and I was "in love". Music has always, besides films, one of my most favorite things in life and I had never felt the way I felt and feel when I hear Ms. Patti sing. That is because Ms. Patti LaBelle sings from the heart and soul.

After many years I finally got to meet her in person. She was doing a book signing for her second cookbook Patti LaBelle's Lite Cuisine at Eso Won Books in Los Angeles, California. I was the first in line and had three books, one for myself and two for two other fans back east who were friends of mine and Patti was not doing any book signings in their areas, so I wanted to ask her to please sign them and then I was going to mail them to them.

She came out the side door where the line had formed and walked right past me (I was almost heart broke because i felt "invisible") went down the entire line and greeted and hugged everyone in the line, I was so moved by her kindness I did not care she missed me. She had to pass me to get back in to continue the book signing and she started to go back in then stopped turned around and just looked at me right in the eyes. I said "hello Ms. Patti I have waited years to meet you in person, can I please have a hug"? She gave me a hug and rubbed my ear, which was cold from the weather. She said "baby your cold, come in here with me", she wrapped her arm around my waist and escorted me inside the store, she was wearing her signature fragrance and she looked so wonderful and smelled so good (and I am a gay man). In fact I could not believe this was all happening that I forgot I left my partner at the time outside in line! I told her and she told security to bring him in too.

Her birthday was coming up in May so I had a card and a stuffed animal and a balloon to give to her. She sat at the desk (everyone was still outside in line and I could not believe she was being so kind to us) and signed my book, and I told her all about my friends and asked her nicely to please sign them for them, she looked at me and told me how nice that was of me to do that. She introduced me to her assistant at the time who was very nice. She took some pictures with us. I decided that since I had her right there in front of me and may never have a chance like this again to tell her something special. I have been hiv positive since 1987 and have been full blown aids for about ten years now. I wanted to let her know how much her music, her gift of song, her wonderful spirit had touched my life and gotten me through alot of hard times over the years. Being sick off and on alot is not fun and I always would put on Patti LaBelle and just let it go and I would feel better. I like alot of artists and different kinds of music, but there is something Patti has that nobody does and never will. I shared my story briefly and she told us that after everyone left to come back and knock on the door and we could take some more pictures and talk some more. I could not believe it but we waited and came back and sure enough, she brought us back in took some more pictures, chit chatted with us, introduced us to Sam McKinney one of her longtime friends and song writers, and the other people who were with her. That very day Nina Simone, a friend of Ms. Patti's had passed away and a few days before that Luther Vandross had his stroke and was in the hospital, but she still showed up and did this extra special thing for me anyways. I told her I was an official fan club member of hers, told her some more about my health and life and that we had tickets to see her at the Universal Amphitheater in May for both nights and could not wait to see her live again. She has a way about her that made me feel very comfortable and at ease, it was like talking to an old friend. It was time for her to go and she gathered her things together with her team and we stood at the door to walk her out to her car. There was music playing over the p.a. in the store and a song came on right as she got to the door to leave and she stopped and put her arm around me and leaned and my shoulder and started to cry and asked the owner of the store if she could please take that cd with her in the car to listen to, of course they did. I felt so bad she was in pain, I started to cry and i told her "please don't cry Patti its going to be alright" and wiped a tear from her eyes. For a few moments she just leaned on me and weeped, I told her quietly in her ear that if she kept on going I would keep on going and she in her own way said "we had a deal". We all walked out of the store and she got into her car and left.

Little did she know that day that on the way down while we were driving I was debating in my head and with myself if I wanted to continue hiv therapy, my virus was reacting to the regimen I was on at the time and they once again told me I had to switch my meds. Every time there occurs the side effects are awful and even though I have/had so much to live for I was just tired of it. I asked god to give me some kind of sign. I know in my heart and soul that god worked through Patti that day to give me that extra boost to keep going. And I am nobody special, she has done this kind of thing for countless fan/friends and continues to do so.

I got back home and started a group for her on Yahoo! Groups called The Ultimate Patti LaBelle, then myspace came along and i decided to create a page there and I also have been posting news, photos, concert ticket alerts and more in her official forum at her official website. Now she is also on facebook and I do the same there. I have been blessed and tickled to have gotten on stage with her at shows during Lady Marmalade more times than i can count and I always have a blast with her up there and always tell the crowd how special she is.

I have traveled to Las Vegas, Oakland, California and as far as New York twice to see her at Westbury in Long Island, one of the best venues to see anyone at! Have been blessed to see her at the Pantages here in Hollywood in her run in CHICAGO THE MUSICAL, The Ellen Show, The Ryan Seacrest Show, Jay Leno, Celebrity Duets. I try and get to every local concert that I can because I am on permanent disability now but I am still here and I am grateful for each day.

People ask me what I do with my time now that I do not work full time in title insurance and I tell them and alot of people say "who is Patti LaBelle"? and i get so frustrated! Then I say remember that song New Attitude and if they no, I try and sing (because I cannot sing and Patti knows it) On My Own and then they go, oh her, yes I know who she is.

I do what I do for her from my heart, because it is fun, I am good at it and work hard and keep all of her webpages updated daily. One of the reasons is my way of saying thank you to her for all she has blessed me with over the years, the other is so that if by me posting a concert listing or a event she is going to be on television, not only will it bring her a ticket sale, but maybe someone will be "touched" by her music like I was so many years ago.

They broke the mold when god created Patti. LaBelle means "the beautiful one" in french and although its not her real last name it could not fit her better. Beautiful inside and out.

So if you have never heard Patti LaBelle find her online and listen. If you have never seen her live before, trust me (I am not a paid employee of Patti's so I am not getting paid or told to write this) buy a ticket, you will leave her show feeling good! God gave her the voice and she uses it to touch people and she does! Love You Patti!


Tags: Dennis Shook, LaBelle, Patti, Patti LaBelle

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17824 Terry Street
Fontana, CA 92336