Pay per Click Opportunity to Reach Hispanics/Latinos
Online, May 5, 2010 ( - Advertisers will now be able to run ad campaigns in on a pay per click (CPC) basis and to follow their campaigns within an ad server that will let them see impressions, clicks and CTR (click through rate). Ad campaigns on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions or ad views) basis are still in effect.
An impression refers to an ad view. If you buy 250,000 impressions, your ad will be viewed 250,000 times. A click allows a visitor to go to your website. If you buy 300 clicks, 300 visitors will jump from to your website after clicking on your banner
How is it possible to predict how many times your banner will be viewed or clicked? Historic statistics help our staff check what channels and feature articles receive more visitors. Then we post your ad codes on those channels and news stories.
Our CPC (cost per click) plan will let you prepare and run your campaign in a very friendly way. You don't have to bid on ad space. You don't have to compete with other advertisers for the same ad space. You will be able to publish an attractive display ad and pay only when visitors click on it. If you don't have a banner ready for your campaign, we can design one for you.
Rates depend on ad units and impressions or clicks you buy. An ad unit refers to a banner size. After clicking on the links shown below, you will see different units (Leaderboards, Banners, Rectangles, Skyscrapers, etc.)
In both cases you can monitor your campaign within our OpenX ad server that will let you see amount of impressions, clicks and CTR (click through rate) anytime. You will have a user ID and a password to login to OpenX once your campaign has been activated. Visits by advertisers and staff are not registered by the OpenX ad server in order to score accurate metrics.
In both plans, CPC and CPM, advertisers can target U.S. visitors only, so they don't have to pay for traffic coming from other countries where they don't sell products and services.
Please, see units and CPC and CPM rates.
Specifically, the internet is forecast to make $62.6 billion from ads this year 2010, rising to $71.9 billion in 2011 and $83.9 billion in 2012, according to a recent study by ZenithOptimedia. was launched in December, 1998 as a publication that serves Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States with news stories and feature articles on music, films, immigration, festivals, books, politics, health, Latin and international cuisines, consumer
Please, see our Frequently Asked Questions on online advertising.
- Nearly two-thirds (63%) of online Hispanics use the Internet for information for the final brand decision, more than any other source asked about, compared with about half (52%) of the online general
-- Seventy percent now view the Internet as the best source for comparing prices (vs. 59% in 2004).
Source: AOL Roper U.S. Hispanic Cyberstudy
If you need further information, please call 818 241 4073 or email Contacto, [email protected]
Tags: advertising, marketing to Hispanics/Latinos, pay per click