PDH Natural Products Announces Arrival With Eye Watering Offer

PDH Natural Products have announced that they are making their health and nutritional supplements available online,

To kick-start the launch of PDH Natural Products online, the company have announced a 10% discount offer on their leading weight management supplement, Garcinia Cambogia Plus. Made from 100% natural garcinia cambogia extracted from the rind of the fruit, published studies have shown that people on average can lose 2 to 3 times more weight taking this supplement over just diet and exercise alone.

Catherine Harmon, Sales & Marketing Director for the company said,

" We wanted to create as much excitement about our online launch as possible which is why we decided to offer such a discount on our most popular product for the next week. Historically we have seen people take full advantage of similar offers in store, often buying 3 to 5 bottles at a time, enough to last them 3 to 6 months."

For the online launch, PDH Natural Products are directing all of their existing customers and all new visitors to pdhnaturalproducts.com where they can not only learn more about the company but also receive their unique discount coupon entitling them to 10% off the standard retail price of Garcinia Cambogia Plus.

PDH Natural Products are keen to point out that the 10% discount is only valid throughout their week online launch promotion. They are also keen to stress to consumers that delivery times and shipping costs are extremely competitive compared to other online retailers, with orders often qualifying for free shipping. As with retail store purchases, any PDH Natural Product purchased online will be covered by the company's 100% satisfaction guarantee. Learn more at http://pdhnaturalproducts.com


Tags: garcinia cambogia extract, garcinia cambogia fruit, garcinia cambogia premium, garcinia cambogia with hca, pdh natural products

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James Mytchelson
Press Contact, PDH Natural Products