Pearl's Premium Wins MassChallenge Competition - Making Lawns Environmentally And Economically Sustainable
Online, December 27, 2010 ( - Pearl's Premium, has won a $50,000 cash prize at the MassChallenge international competition for innovative ideas. The company was among 16 winners sharing $1 million.
"With 446 startups from across the U.S. and 26 countries competing in MassChallenge, winning was a great honor and a resounding validation for how Pearl's Premium can help not only save money and water on lawns, but help make positive societal wide change," stated John Penrose, President of Pearl's Premium, Inc.
The company's patent pending grass seed blends, Pearl's Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed, are the result of eight years of research and development. This break-through grass seed grows at one quarter the rate of blue grass, requiring mowing only once a month rather than every week. It looks like a beautiful lush green lawn. With 12-inch roots, Pearl's Premium is drought tolerant and seldom or never needs water once established in the northern half of the country. In southern states, it needs far less water than other grasses. The grass seed thrives without chemical fertilizer to stay green. Pearl's Premium is also an oxygen-producing carbon sink to lessen green house gasses and mitigate climate change. Thus, it is healthier and safer for children, pets and the planet.
"Pearl's Premium is an environmental and economic game changer," said Jackson Madnick, the grass seeds mix's developer and Pearl's Premium Founder. "This is a national issue not a local issue, because numerous scientific studies have linked lawn care chemicals with increasing health risks such as learning and behavior problems for children, dog cancers, as well as Parkinson's Disease, Asthma, Cancer and Leukemia. Additionally, lawn irrigation waste is a major drain on drinking water supplies in the U.S. I developed Pearl's Premium to help make American lawns more environmentally sustainable. In the process, we found out that we could also save lawn owners a dramatic amount of money, time and water and help lower their carbon footprint."
The City of Boston is already putting Pearl's Premium to work in one of its parks to save money and reduce maintenance risk on the steep slopes at Clarence "Jeep Jones" Park in Roxbury (photo at right).
More than 5,000 people in North America have grown Pearl's Premium lawns in over 25 states, plus 4 other countries. The company has been featured in 36 favorable and rave reviews including This Old House magazine, ABC and FOX TV and National Public Radio. Pearl's Premium is sold at Whole Foods Markets and at Or call 508-653-0800
Pearl's Premium, Inc.
P.O. Box 5166,
MA - 01778
Tags: grass seed, grass seeds, lawn seed, low maintenance grass, low maintenance lawn