People Demand That Politicians Listen To Their Demands
Online, April 12, 2011 (
We are facing the biggest financial crisis since the great depression. Our debt is crushing us and our budget, and our economy are out of control.
And the 2012 GOP budget proposal will decimate our country. The "Middle Class" will cease to exist, and the poor will starve. Medicare will be destroyed, and Social Security will be bankrupt.
85 % of Americans feel that taxes for the rich must be raised, and corporate tax loopholes closed.
Yet our politicians of both parties ignore our requests and refuse to listen to the wishes of the people.
We are circulating a petition to be presented to the
leadership of the both the Republican & Democratic parties,
and President Obama.
1) Return to the tax rate for the rich under President Clinton (39 %)
2) Eliminate tax "loopholes" for corporations & the rich
3) Severe penalties for hiding money "offshore"
4) Corporations doing business in the U. S. pay taxes here
5) Elimination of all subsidies for industries that are profitable
6) Return governmental programs for low income to pre-cut levels
Our message to our politicians:
Along with the petition I am requesting that you pledge to vote against any politician, regardless of party, who does
not vote for these changes.
We will boycott the products sold by any company that contributes to any politician that does not comply with the above stated demands.
For more information or to sign the petition
Please visit
Tags: tax, tax reform, taxes