Perform Now Coaching Counters Ogilvy's Red Brick Contest

In response to OgilvyOne's contest to find the world's best salesperson, the Perform Now Coaching team has developed their own incentive to help salespeople understand the relationship that is developed with potential customers.

Perform Now Coaching Counters Ogilvy's Red Brick Contest
San Francisco, CA, April 30, 2010 - The Perform Now Coaching team has announced a new contest in response to a promotion offered by OgilvyOne. Ogilvy suggests that all you need is a perfect pitch to sell whatever you want to your customers. The Perform Now team, led by Peter Frumenti, knows that this may have been true 50 years ago, but it's not the case in today's market. Frumenti wants to know what real sales people think, and has created a contest to get their feedback.
Salespeople can enter Perform Now Coaching's "Best Salesperson in the world" contest by submitting their video to the Perform Now Coaching YouTube channel for a chance to win a free 30 day coaching session with the Perform Now Coaching team. Complete details can be found at
The Perform Now team teaches students the importance of knowing your customer, knowing your product, and knowing your competition, as these are the keys to becoming a successful salesperson. Frumenti shares that sales is not about convincing your prospect to buy your product, it's about helping them make the right choice for their needs and budget. Sometimes, this can mean sending your client to your competitor, but the goal is to create a relationship and help your customer through the buying process.
To find out more about the Sales Development and Coaching program, visit, where you can also find the contact information for Peter Frumenti and his team. If you are interested in growing your business to the next level, and you are ready to commit to the proven processes that will bring you success, it's time to call Peter Frumenti.


Tags: contest, customer, relationships, sales building, sales person

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