Performance Marketing Company Ads Direct Ventures Into International Waters

Marketing success, in the online world, means going where there are high volumes of traffic. In this day and age, that means international markets. Getting into these markets can be tough for advertisers, but a company called Ads Direct is ready to

In the online marketing world, success is a matter of going where there are high volumes of traffic to convert-something that may sound simple in theory, but in reality is anything but. Indeed, in this day and age, online marketing success is largely dependent on accessing the traffic found in international markets, particularly places like South America, parts of Asia, and even New Zealand. This is anything but an easy or uncomplicated task for advertisers, but help can be found in the services rendered by performance marketing company Ads Direct, which has just announced the expansion of its services into thirty different countries across the planet.

Nate Poupko, who serves as the president of Ads Direct, says the marketing firm's decision to grow its network by such immense leaps and bounds is simply a reflection of current marketing realities. "For those seeking to convert online traffic, there is an ever-burgeoning need to access global markets," Poupko explains. "If you really want to find success in advertising your products online, you can't settle for business as usual any longer. You're got to breach these global markets, which is exactly what advertisers can do with our new, globe-spanning network."

Few performance marketing companies can boast a network with the sprawl of the Ads Direct network, and fewer still can compete with Ads Direct in terms of its reputation for results. "What sets our company apart, ultimately, is not the size of the network, but rather it is our dogged devotion to getting clients exactly what they ask for," he explains. "Some clients come to us and only need us to bring in fifty new customers per day. Others ask for ten or twenty times that. Whatever they ask for, we can deliver. That's what Ads Direct does, every single day."

Poupko stresses that the company offers more than just global reach, too. The company's services include translation of Web pages into different languages, landing page revisions, advice on media buys, and much more. These services have long made Ads Direct a preferred marketing firm for companies within the Health and Beauty vertical.

Ads Direct is seeking to grow its clientele even more, however, with the implementation of its new, expanded network. Poupko's bottom line is simply that the company is able and willing to perform to client specifications. "Whatever you need to do, in terms of converting online traffic, the Ads Direct team can help you do it," he enthuses.


Ads Direct is an innovative, industry-leading performance marketing company. With a sprawling network that encompasses 15 languages, four continents, and more than 30 countries, Ads Direct is the #1 global company within its industry. Working with top brands in the Health and Beauty market, Ads Direct offers peerless resources for generating high volumes of traffic, as well as high rates of conversion. The company utilizes an inventive, performance-based model wherein clients pay directly based on the sales results they receive; this culture of performance is what allows Ads Direct to maintain its high standards of success, as well as its name as #1 Performance Marketing Company in the world.


Tags: Ads Direct, performance marketing, Performance Marketing Companies

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