Permuta's DefenseReady and FederalReady Workforce Readiness Solutions Experience Record Growth

Relationship With immixGroup Fuels Rapid Growth

Permuta Technologies’ rapidly rising workforce readiness solution, known as DefenseReady for DoD and FederalReady for civilian agencies, has seen a spike in adoption in 2018, which was made possible through a distribution agreement with immixGroup, an Arrow company that helps technology companies do business with government. 

“We are proud of our recent 48 percent growth in sales in 2018,” said Ryan Millet, president and CEO of Permuta Technologies. “The relationship with immixGroup made it possible to simplify the acquisition process for federal government procurement officers, resulting in shortened sales cycles and rapid growth.” Permuta’s software and customer support plans have been listed on multiple government-wide acquisition contracts such as NASA SEWP, Army CHESS, Air Force NETCENTS and, most recently, GSA’s IT Schedule 70. 

The demand for Permuta’s COTS-based software has grown exponentially over the last few years. By working with immixGroup, Permuta has been introduced to many resellers and their integrated distribution and sales team to manage the demand for DefenseReady and FederalReady. Permuta is well-positioned for continued growth in 2019 and beyond. 

Since entering the agreement with immixGroup, Permuta has experienced: 

●     38 percent growth in user adoption

●     Record year for sales (48 percent growth)

●     100 percent of net new business attained by utilizing a simplified acquisition process 

Permuta is now preparing for a major product release in 2019. Stay tuned for more information.  

About Permuta:

Permuta Technologies Inc. (, a software manufacturer, creates software tailored for military and civilian organizations. With deep experience in the government, Permuta understands the challenges agencies face to protect and meet mission-critical initiatives. As a trusted leader in delivering solutions built and designed for government, Permuta is committed to increasing effectiveness and readiness so agencies can confidently execute their mission. Permuta combines its deep experience in government with their technology background to help accelerate readiness and enablement with their workforce solution. Their products, built on the Microsoft Dynamics platform, are the only systems in the market that cover all federal readiness management needs in one system, including force readiness, training, performance and asset management, medical readiness, mission planning and more.

Media Contact:

Chris Garner


Source: Permuta Technologies


Tags: asset management, defense, Dynamics CRM, government, mission planning, task management, workforce readiness

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