Personal Development and Leadership Development: Gurdy.Net Announces Major Investment in New Online Leadership Development and Personal Effectiveness Program

Gurdy.Net announces major investment in new Online Leadership Development and Personal Effectiveness Program designed for Willie Horton's existing corporate clients and available to all businesses worldwide.

Gurdy.Net, the leading Personal Development and Self Improvement Website , has announced a major investment in the development of a new online Leadership Development and Personal Effectiveness Program for its existing corporate client base, which also be available online to small, medium and large businesses worldwide.

Gurdy.Net, which was launched in 2008 to bring Willie Horton's highly acclaimed and long-running Personal Development Courses to a worldwide audience, is a primary provider of online personal development, self improvement and personal effectiveness workshops delivered using specifically developed video techniques designed to impress the subconscious mind - that part of us all that creates our behaviour and dictates our lives.

Speaking at the announcement of Gurdy's latest initiative, Willie Horton said "At this crucial time in our business and economic life, there has never been greater need for a fresh and innovative approach to developing the type of [url:] personal effectiveness and leadership [/url] that will guarantee that we simply don't get more of the same in terms of business vision, management and leadership. Over the last few years, I've been privileged to work with visionary business leaders in major corporations - companies like Wyeth, Deloitte, Nestle, Pfizer, KPMG and Allergan - people who realize the need for difference, the need to move away from broken management theories, people who have the desire, determination and commitment to bring a fresh approach to business - one that embraces both the need for profit and the imperative of looking after people."

"My work with them is about to be made available to any business - small, medium or large - that wants to achieve an abnormal level of success, because the norms of success are simply neither long-lasting nor beneficial for all the stakeholders" he continued. "At Gurdy.Net we've an Autumn launch scheduled for this major initiative - which will be entitled 'The Primal Leader' - a means of enabling anyone who has a mind to achieve exceptional success understand why the norms are broken, why the normal mind is incapable of looking beyond the obvious and how, with a small change of mind, great things can be achieved for all concerned."

'The Primal Leader' will be an online workshop comprising thirty five tailor-made video sessions, online exercises and work that will explore the psychological impediments that prevent the normal mind from achieving long-lasting, meaningful and balanced success; provide the user with various insights and techniques to overcome these impediments and offer simple, practical and immediately effective ways of addressing the strategic and day-to-day issues of business including interpersonal communication and sales, team development and leadership, conflict management, time management and delegation and, most importantly, the role of presence as the hallmark of great leaders. 'The Primal Leader' will be launched online in Autumn 2010.

About Gurdy.Net

Gurdy.Net is the online home of Willie Horton's extensive work in the fields of Personal Development, Personal Effectiveness, Leadership Development and Stress Management. His highly acclaimed Personal Development Seminars, which have been running since 1996, have been migrated to Gurdy.Net and are now available as the Online Personal Development Workshop "Change Your Life" and his stress management workshop "No More Stress". Gurdy.Net issues a free Ezine each Monday and Wednesday which is read by thousands of people worldwide. For more information, visit Gurdy.Net Personal Development Website


Tags: leadership development, management development, personal effectiveness

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Willie Horton
Press Contact, Gurdy.Net
201 route du Tampieu
Sallanches, France