Personal Development Book To Succeed... JustLet Go - Second Edition to be Launched by Willie Horton of Gurdy.Net on October 13 2010.

Willie Horton, personal development expert since 1996, has announces a launch date of October 13, 2010 for the updated and revised edition of his highly acclaimed and much loved Personal Development Book, To Succeed... JustLet Go.

Willie Horton, a leading expert in the field of personal development since 1996, has announced that the updated and revised edition of his highly acclaimed and much loved Personal Development Book, To Succeed... JustLet Go, will be launched online on Wednesday October 13, 2010.

To Succeed... Just Let Go was first published by Janus Books in London in 2006. Since then, many readers around the world have described the book as 'a real life-changer'.

"This book is an absolute must for ANYONE who wants to find peace, relaxation and more than anything, put everything into perspective by living in the here and now! Willie Horton is a great exponent of sharing knowledge to help you live 'ab'normally! Yes, abnormally because 'normal' people are 'mad', living a just 'ok' life, following each other into oblivion whereas abnormal people seek to live in the 'now' with clarity and focus, neither being pulled into the past of future.
Read it and make up your mind...with more clarity and focus than ever before!"

ICE Age's Bob Brotchie's Review on

Speaking at the announcement of the book's launch date, Willie Horton said: "Over the last four years I have continually received feedback, comments and queries on the book. In the six years since it was originally penned, I too have learned a lot. With these things in mind, I have updated and revised To Succeed... JustLet Go - I've tightened up the language to ensure that its meaning is crystal clear and I've added in additional information on quantum physics - the science that is now explaining how our world really works."

He continued "Many members of my Personal Development Website, Gurdy.Net, send me a variety of Personal Development Books to read - and, in my view, whilst many of them leave you with a feel-good afterglow, very few books actually tell you how to change your life yourself. To Succeed... JustLet Go does just that - not only are you given logical step-by-step instruction, the book actually includes a number of what I describe as mental exercises, that the reader can practice every day to enable grab control of their mind and change their lives."

To Succeed... JustLet Go, the first edition of which is already available in paperback on,, and, will be re-released in digital format for Amazon's Kindle and Apple's iStore. The first chapter of To Succeed... Just Let Go is now viewable on and

About Willie Horton

Willie Horton was born and educated in Ireland. An ex-accountant and ex-banker, he established his personal development practice in January, 1996. With a strong focus on the corporate sector, his clients include top leaders in major corporations such as Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, Merrill Lynch, Wyeth, KPMG, G4S and Allergan together with everyone from the stay-at-home parent to sports-people. Horton now lives with his wife and three teenage children in the French Alps from where he travels the world as a much sought after motivational speaker and mentor.

About Gurdy.Net and

Gurdy.Net is the online home of Willie Horton's extensive work in the fields of Personal Development and Self Improvement. His highly acclaimed Personal Development Seminar, Change Your Life, which has been running since 1996, is online at Gurdy.Net. Gurdy.Net issues a free Ezine each Monday and Wednesday which is read by thousands of people worldwide. is Willie Horton's new website devoted to the re-launch of his well-known personal development book of the same name. The first chapter of To Succeed... JustLet Go is here online for free viewing.


Tags: Personal Development Books, Personal Development Websites, Self Help Books

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