Personal Mastery Martial Arts Offers Free Father's Day Course on Carjacking Countermeasures

At a free self defense course offered for fathers in Sandy, Utah's Leading Family Safety Expert taught carjacking countermeasure techniques.

Last Monday Personal Mastery Martial Arts in Sandy, UT offered a free self defense course for all fathers in the community as a special treat for Father's Day. The class was on carjacking countermeasures and covered how to protect yourself and your loved ones in the case that you are threatened while in your vehicle. The free course was taught by Utah's Leading Family Safety Expert, Brett Lechtenberg.

One of the basic techniques that Brett taught everyone who attended this seminar was how to safely get a gun away from an attacker who is armed. Because many carjacking scenarios involve guns or other weapons, this was the first thing that everyone learned how to do. One of Brett's long-term krav maga students said, "It is so empowering to know that even if someone is pointing a gun at me, I can still protect myself and my loved ones."

After learning and practicing a basic gun disarm, Brett then taught the attendees of the seminar how to apply it if they ever found themselves being threatened with a gun while in their vehicle. He demonstrated the technique and helped everyone as they practiced using the technique on padded attackers from inside a car.

Here is what a couple of the participants had to say about their experience:

Jordan Ferguson - "I really enjoyed the whole experience. Brett was awesome in giving one-on-one attention and making sure that everyone was doing the movement correctly. I also liked the practice drill that we did of being taken from the cars, in a semi-realistic style."

Jason Curtis - "I really enjoyed the class. Learning the techniques and moves in a simulated environment was great and learning to disarm an attacker was incredibly useful! I hope to attend more of these types of these classes in the future."

Tyler Ayres - "I found the class to be valuable because it was very practical. The methods I was taught and that I practiced that night were not complicated and did not require great skill. They were simple and easy and frankly, they worked! It is great to feel like I have a plan in the unlikely event something horrible like this happens."

Brett Lechtenberg is Utah's Leading Family Safety Expert. He teaches self defense and krav maga classes at Personal Mastery Martial Arts and regularly offers free courses to the members of the community. To learn more about upcoming events and krav maga / self defense classes you can contact Brett directly through his website

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Tags: krav maga, self defense classes, self defense products, self defense techniques, self defense weapons, self-defense

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Brett Lechtenberg
Press Contact, Personal Mastery Martial Arts
Personal Mastery Martial Arts
8665 Highland Dr
Sandy, UT 84093
United States