Peter Lake, the World's Only Anonymous Singer-Songwriter, Hits Again With His Genre-Bending Masterpiece 'Colors of Suspension'

Lake, Known for His Commitment to Personal Privacy and His Prolific Output, Begins to Integrate Elements of Jazz Into Mainstream Pop

Colors of Suspension (cover)

Peter Lake, the world's only anonymous singer-songwriter, has released his latest single "Colors of Suspension." The song is a stunning blend of electronic synthesizers and traditional jazz horns, and is sure to captivate audiences with its nostalgic feel. "Colors of Suspension" is inspired by Lake's childhood memories of watching food-coloring dissolve in water, and will transport listeners back to a simpler time.

The single features the vocals of Lake's friend Yousha, adding an extra layer of depth and emotion to the already powerful track. Yousha, a talented songwriter in her own right, joins Lake to create nostalgic soundscape.

Says the artist, "I was with a young boy who I mentor and he was having a rough day. I told him about how I used to relax letting drops of food-coloring dissolve in water. We got some and watched the shapes. It was a meditation. No phones. No sounds. Just peace and color. I never want to forget that moment."

Lake has been releasing music for almost two years now, and has already garnered over 60 million streams on Spotify and YouTube. With roughly a million followers on Instagram, Lake has built a dedicated fanbase that is eagerly anticipating the release of "Colors of Suspension."

"Colors of Suspension" is now available wherever music is streamed. 

About Peter Lake:

Peter Lake is a Canadian-born, New York City-based singer-songwriter who revels in anonymity. 

In an age where privacy is rare, Lake is convinced that his ability to create music is protected by his anonymity, and by working with unconventional partners in an attempt to avoid the constraints of traditional record deals, which often consider recorded music as a means to promote tours.

Peter Lake is the first of a kind: an artist who will only do live concerts via a web-based platform, thereby freeing him to focus exclusively on writing and recording new, original music that crosses all genres. In the process, he has assembled one of the largest singer-songwriter catalogues in the industry. His musical influences include Neil Young, Max Martin, David Bowie, Motown, and Drake.

It's no surprise that his songs are hard to place, often flying between (and combining) House beats, crunchy guitar riffs and "traditional chants and natural sounds." When asked about his goal, he replied as follows, "My goal is to wake up every day and make music and one day through that process, write and perform what will later be seen as the greatest song in history, a song that will define humankind for centuries." 

Source: Peter Lake Music LLC


Tags: anonymous singer-songwriter, Genre-bending, Music release

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Tetyana Shvachuk
PR, Peter Lake Sounds LLC
Peter Lake Sounds LLC
915 Broadway, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10010
United States