Petrolern LLC Chosen by Ecopetrol for Geothermal Resource Assessment in Columbia

Geothermal to be a viable green energy choice in Colombia

Geothermal in Colombia

Petrolern LLC announces that it has been chosen by Ecopetrol for consultancy services to identify targets for utilization of geothermal power in selected basins in Colombia. Ecopetrol will receive from Petrolern extensive technical support for resource assessment and identification of areas with greater geothermal potential in addition to training/mentorship to their personnel, and appropriate methodology to apply, such as geophysical methods, subsurface data integration and modeling, geothermal resource evaluation, geomechanics, energy generation estimation, and selecting drill sites. Ecopetrol has also engaged with Petrolern for a peer review of earlier work. This announcement represents the culmination of months of discussion on the unique capabilities of Petrolern, based on 150 years of cumulative geothermal expertise globally, and on the desire of Ecopetrol to build a true partnership and process that will bring their staff and leaders efficiently and effectively up the geothermal learning curve.

Petrolern CEO, Hamed Soroush, remarks, "We are tremendously proud that Ecopetrol has selected our company to assist them with their geothermal resource assessment, maturation and power generation. Our goal is to enable the oil company to make optimal resource decisions and to ensure that we work together with them as a true team, imparting our knowledge to their staff. At Petrolern, knowledge transfer to clients is an essential part of our technical services."

Geothermal energy has the potential to supply more energy than the global total of oil and natural gas combined. It is renewable, stable, and has a minimal carbon footprint. Geothermal power plants can produce electricity consistently, constantly, and without regard to weather conditions. The power output of a geothermal power plant can be accurately predicted, and the actual power output is very close to total installed capacity. Yet, current global geothermal energy use comprises only 1% of energy production. Petrolern is working to provide cost-effective solutions, including repurposing aging oil wells to geothermal, and designing hybrid solar-geothermal and wind-geothermal "synthetic geothermal reservoirs" to significantly increase geothermal electricity and heat usage worldwide. Further information is available at [email protected]

About Petrolern:
Petrolern LLC is a leading-edge technology company working on subsurface solutions for carbon storage, geothermal energy and cleaner oil and gas. Petrolern conducts cutting-edge R&D to improve safety and reduce the environmental footprint of subsurface operations. Our green energy initiative begins with making the oil and gas industry greener by providing energy transition solutions. Petrolern's core competencies include advanced geomechanics, fluid mechanics, subsurface engineering, applied artificial intelligence, visualization, edge computing, and software development. The company applies these skills to optimize drilling, completions, stimulation, and production plus providing high-resolution subsurface monitoring.

Source: Petrolern LLC


Tags: clean energy, Colombia, Ecopetrol, energy, environment, Geothermal, Petrolern, renewable energy, sustainability

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