PetTest by Pharma Supply, Inc. Joins Forces With Genteel in a Joint Venture Worthy of Fireworks

WELLINGTON, Fla., July 2, 2020 ( - Pharma Supply, Inc.'s rising star PetTest brand just won over even more Fans in a highly-anticipated joint venture with Genteel LLC (Tualatin, OR). The two companies will leverage each other's strengths as human and pet diabetes testing suppliers in co-branding a patented new painless, vacuum-powered lancing device, completely removing the painful experience of lancing with other lancing devices.
The PetTest Genteel Painless Lancing Device is available as a standalone device, or newly-diagnosed diabetic "pet parents" can choose the company's value-packed PetTest Meter Kit with Genteel Painless Lancing Device, which includes PetTest's renowned diabetes home monitoring kit PLUS the PetTest Genteel Painless Lancing Device for an economical pricepoint.
Genteel CEO Dr. Chris Jacobs and I have worked tirelessly for the last year to co-develop the best possible solution for pain-free diabetes testing for pets. We think you'll love the result!
Steven Thuss, PetTest CEO
PetTest's CEO Steven Thuss represented both firms' excitement, stating "Genteel CEO Dr. Chris Jacobs and I have worked tirelessly for the last year to co-develop the best possible solution for pain-free diabetes testing for pets. We think you'll love the result!"
Interested parties can go to PetTest's website at to learn more about the new products available, as well as to pre-order theirs today. PetTest anticipates shipments about a month from today.
Source: Pharma Supply, Inc.
Tags: canine diabetes, diabetes, diabetes mellitus, feline diabetes, Genteel LLC, lancing device, pain-free lancing device, painless lancing device, pet diabetes, PetTest, PetTest Genteel, vacuum lancing device