Pheast Launches Social Recipe Site
Online, September 22, 2012 (
Pheast, a social recipe sharing website, has launched to the public today.

Cooking is a naturally social endeavor, but until now there has not been great way to share one's cooking experience online without typing a long recipe into an anonymous form that lumped the recipe together with thousands of others. Pheast attempts to solve the problem.
On Pheast, users can take any recipe on the site - say, basil pesto - and add their secret ingredient - say, walnuts - and share the version as a new recipe. This lowers the barrier to sharing recipes since users do not need to type the recipe from scratch, they only need to enter the difference between the basic version of the recipe and their unique take on the recipe.
Recipe seekers who are not interested in sharing benefit too. When a user searches for "tomato sauce" on Google or other established recipe sites, they will get thousands of results - information overload. By aggregating clusters of similar recipes created based on a common source, Pheast is in a unique position to customize recipes to users' preferences. Suppose a user often interacted with recipes containing garlic. The next time the user searches for "tomato sauce" on the site, recipes containing garlic will rise to the top.
"People love sharing what they cook," says Adam Berlinsky-Schine, Pheast's Chief Executive Officer. "Food is among the top categories of photos on sites like Facebook and Pinterest. We've launched a site dedicated exclusively to food, and enabled recipe sharing in an easy and unique way."

Today, Pheast launched as a public beta so that anyone can try out the site. Pheast is live at
Tags: cooking, drinks, food, Recipes, social