Phil Manning Provides Expert Piano Tuning and Repairs to Toronto Metro Area

Phil Manning is offering expert piano tuning, piano repairs, appraisals, refinishing, rebuilding, pitch raise, and other piano related services to his customers in the greater Toronto area.

Phil Manning has been working as a professional entertainer for over 30 years, singing, playing Hammond organ and of course, piano. During this time Phil also built and operated a commercial recording facility where he produced, arranged and recorded many album and demo projects, radio commercials and soundtracks for film and video. Tuning pianos, as well as doing minor repairs, was certainly a valuable acquired skill which Phil regularly put to good use.
In concert with the launch of Artist Piano Care Phil is collecting credentials to accompany his established skills as a qualified piano technician. A student of the Randy Potter School of Piano Technology , Phil has successfully completed Randy Potter's Basic/Intermediate Piano Training Seminar at Montana State University. As a part of his continuing professional development, Phil regularly attends seminars and conferences such as Tune in to UWO III , presented by the Piano Technology Program at the University of Western Ontario. As an active member of the Toronto chapter of the PTG (Piano Technicians Guild), Phil attends and participates in all chapter meetings and functions.
Phil Offers the following services:
Piano Tuning • corrects the pitch of each note and "sets" each string to stabilize its pitch.
Piano Pitch Raise • necessary prior to tuning if a piano has not been regularly serviced and the pitch has drifted too far to be recovered with a regular tuning. Occasionally more than one pitch raise is necessary before a stable tuning is possible.
Piano Voicing • manipulates the density and pliabilty of the individual hammers in order to optimize the tonal quality of each note. Voicing is desired on newer pianos as part of a new piano set up or to suit the pianist's preference. Older pianos require voicing to restore tone lost to age and wear.
Piano Regulation covers 20+ mechanical adjustments per note in order to establish an optimized "feel" to the pianist while maximizing the widest possible dynamic range (softest to fullest). While regulation is often necessary to restore the "playability" of an older piano, many new pianos require regulation following delivery.
Other Services • Artist Piano Care is partnered with other piano experts in the greater Toronto area to provide services such as refinishing, rebuilding and transportation.


Tags: ajax, gta, markham, north york, pickering, scarborough, Toronto piano repair, Toronto piano tuner, Toronto piano tuning

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Phil Manning
Press Contact, Artist Piano Care