Philadelphia Pastor Calls For A "Lil Wayne Holiday" During Black History Month For African-Americans To Abstain From Destructive Behaviors.

Jomo K. Johnson is calling for Philadelphia Residents to cease from violence for one day during Black History Month

With the arrival of Black History Month, many Black Churches are thinking of ways in which they can educate their congregations about the past sacrifices of great African-American Leaders. Men and women such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman, are just a few of the names that come to mind when this month is mentioned.

But Jomo K. Johnson, the Pastor of Philly Open Air Church in North Philadelphia, is doing something totally different. The 32 year-old Minister has decided to mandate February 29th, as the "Lil' Wayne Holiday" for African-Americans in Philadelphia. Johnson, who last year wrote the book, "Deadest Rapper Alive: The Rise of Lil' Wayne and the Fall of Urban Youth" is not seeking to commemorate the accomplishments of the Rap Superstar. He is making a call for abstinence from the violence and drug-usage that the Rapper promotes. Pastor Johnson believes that these things are causing the moral and social downfall of many black communities in Philadelphia and beyond.

Johnson, in a recent interview with Kia Graham from the Philly Inquirer Newspaper, spoke about the link between Philadelphia violence and the music of Lil' Wayne and similar artists. "I'm not against Rap music. (I actually believe Hip Hop is a gift from God). But what we are seeing today in popular Hip Hop music is a dangerous philosophy that is having serious consequences." (Quote)

On February 29th, Johnson is calling for African-Americans to abstain from the following things:

1. Pre-Marital Relations (Johnson cites that African-Americans have the highest rates of HIV contractions.)

2. Black-on-Black Violence (Of Philadelphia's 34 Murders, over 70% have been Black-on-Black)

3. Abortion (Black Women are 5x more likely to have an abortion than their White counterparts.)

4. Using the N-word and B-word in Reference to Other Blacks

5. Abusing Illegal Substances.

Pastor Johnson says that the 'Holiday' does not intend to show disrespect to Lil' Wayne as an artist. But from his study, research, and experience, Johnson believes that the Rapper, (more than any other rap-artist) has glorified very destructive social behaviors. "When you have a hugely successful black man that personifies violence, misogyny, and drug addiction," says Johnson, "these things will undoubtedly creep into the lives of his followers. It is my hope, that one day of abstinence, can translate into a life of change." Pastor Johnson is seeking to spread this message of this "Holiday" at various Churches, social organizations, and youth meetings.

About the Pastor:
Jomo K. Johnson is the Founder and Pastor of Philly Open Air Church in Philadelphia; He is a licensed minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He holds a Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies from Beacon University and is current Masters of Divinity student at Westminster Theological Seminary where he serves as President of the WTS Preaching Club. He has written several other books including, "Letters To Charles: Cordial Letters to and from and Atheist Friend."

For more information on this topic, or to schedule an interview or speaking engagement with Pastor Jomo K. Johnson please contact: Philly Open Church, 215-486-3412 or [email protected]


Tags: black history month, deadest rapper alive, lil wayne holiday

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2742 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132
United States