Philippines Call Center Creating Jobs in Bacolod
Online, March 9, 2010 ( - Next Level IT Teleservices announced that it will be hiring telemarketers and customer service representatives for its call center in Bacolod. NLIT is seeing an uptick in business as the economy has improved, and several former clients are resuming outsourcing projects. The NLIT call center opened in 2009 amidst the global financial crisis while companies across the globe were slashing jobs and is growing despite the economic conditions. The company hopes to continue to hire friendly and experienced agents throughout the course of the year. The outsourcing provider is currently hiring agents for its call center at Villa Angela, East Block. Prospective agents are encouraged to bring a resume by the office or submit their information online at the company's website.
Next Level IT Teleservices provides comprehensive call center outsourcing services, including telemarketing, customer service, data entry, and live chat support. The company serves businesses around the world, with a primary focus on the US and Canada.
Tags: Bacolod, Call centers, Data entry, live chat, philippines, telemarketing services