PhotoDynamic Therapy Is The Latest Non-Prescription Treatment For Acne Prone Skin
Online, February 16, 2011 ( - Abrams Dermatology, recognized for detecting and treating skin cancers and other skin conditions, is now using the Photodynamic Therapy in the treatment of Acne. This treatment is becoming more and more popular by teenagers who want to clear their skin from unpleasant breakouts as well as adults who suffer from unsightly acne scars, discoloration and blemishes. The non-invasive and prescription free Photodynamic Therapy treatment leaves the skin looking smoother and younger.
Photodynamic Therapy, also known as PDT is a well known treatment used for treating Actinic Keratoses (AK), Hidradenitis Suppurativa and other skin conditions. The PDT acne treatment is an innovative therapy which consists of only 2 steps and takes no more than 25 minutes.
The first step involves applying a topical solution called Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA). Not to be threatened by its name, ALA is actually a "natural" product found in all humans throughout the body. It is a precursor for hemoglobin synthesis. The ALA is applied on the area to be treated. After 15 minutes, the patient is exposed to a light known as Blue-U for 6 minutes. The Blue-U uses a specific non-damaging wavelength that when combined with ALA destroys certain precancerous lesions and the bacteria associated with acne. The results vary and also one treatment will show striking positive results, multiple treatments may be necessary depending on the type of acne. The Photodynamic Therapy acne treatment can be performed in adjunction to a patient's current therapy or as a therapy of its own. It is a non-invasice and cost effective treatment.
The Photodynamic Therapy acne treatment is recommended by Dr. Abrams for those who suffer from moderate acne, teenagers and adults with resistant and hard to treat acne or people who suffer from cystic acne with regular breakouts; it is a non-drug treatment- We recommend our patients to schedule an appointment with Dr. Abrams or Sheryl Wilson, ARNP-C to determine if Photodynamic Therapy is the appropriate treatment for their condition. The number of treatments necessary is determined by the skin tendency to respond to the treatment. Some patients may only require one treatment while others may necessitate more, which in this case, are performed every 2-4 weeks.
The only drawbacks from this treatment are minor. Patients have reported slight stinging, burning, redness, swelling and some itching which subside within 24 hours.
The Photodynamic Therapy for the treatment of acne is an affordable solution that prevents the use of prescription drugs. Recent studies have shown 68 to 86 % improvement of the skin after using this non-invasive treatment. The total cost depends on the size of the area and the condition being treated. Results can be seen after the first treatment and most patients notice beneficial results right away. A consultation with Dr. Abrams, D.O. or Sheryl Wilson, ARNP-C, will determine the right treatment for the patient and the number of sessions required for clearance of the area to be treated. If you would like more information about the PDT treatment or would like to schedule a consultation, please email us at [email protected] or call 941-926-2300.
More information is available online at
Tags: acne, acne treatment, photodynamic therapy