Photographer Nir Alon To Deliver Presentation of Documentary Photography Project " in Jerusalem" At Jerusalem "Amcha" Support Group For Holocaust Survivors.

Photographer Nir Alon to deliver presentation of documentary photography project " in Jerusalem" at Jerusalem "Amcha" support group for holocaust survivors. " in Jerusalem" honors unique characters, personalities and individuals

Jerusalem photographer Nir Alon will deliver a presentation this evening at 18:00 of his ongoing documentary photography project " in Jerusalem" which hosts multimedia interviews and profiles of Jerusalemites. TIPUSIM in Hebrew, Alon explains, means characters, personalities, unique individuals, and it is to the uniqueness of each individual that Alon pays homage to in this project.

For Alon, "The essence of Jerusalem isn't hidden under ancient stones. It isn't masked by a cloud of mysticism and belief. The essence of Jerusalem is alive in the people that live here and in the uniqueness of each and every one - a diversified and spectacular human mosaic". Over a dozen profiles are already available online; Beno Leibovici - Watchmaker, Brhan Mekonen - Actress and Itzchak Cohen - "Itzik the Plumber", just to name a few - each includes a recorded interview and still photos in black and white, about three minutes long. A small peek into the lives and hearts of the residents of Jerusalem. Alon explains the use of black and white stills photography as the best medium to touch the souls of his subjects.

Project available for viewing at

Presentation will take place this evening (10-Oct-2010) at 18:00 at "Amcha" Jerusalem branch in the presence of George Shefi, one of Alon's subjects featured in the project. Alon explains he is "happy to give back", especially to this unique group, that assisted him in contacting Shefi for an interview just before Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2009.

Previous projects published by the photographer are "In Spite of!" (2007) documenting six months in a Jerusalem shelter for young women at risk available for viewing at and "Malki's Legacy - the story of hate inflicted death nurturing love and giving, nurturing life" (2008) available for viewing at


Tags: Amcha, black and white, character, characters, city, documentary, images, images of my thoughts, Individual, individuals, interview, interviews, israel, Jerusalem, Multimedia, Nir Alon, people, personalities, personality, photo, photography, photojournalism, portrait, portraits, portraiture, presentation, tipus, tipusim, tipusim in Jerusalem, Unique, uniquness

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