Photokore - Asian Microstock Photo Agency - Launches Badge Program For Artists To Earn Higher Royalties

In another first for Asia, Asian microstock photography innovator introduces program to reward successful artists with higher royalties.

Asian stock photography agency, Photokore, announces launch of their Badge Program for all registered Artists. With the new Badge Program, Photokore Artists can now earn a higher ranking and increase their royalties.

The new Badge Program has 3 rankings (Wolf, Tiger, and Dragon), each with three levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold). Increases in royalties begin once an Artist attains Bronze Tiger ranking. Details can be found on Photokore's FAQ.

According to CEO and President of Photokore, Sean Mooney, "We believe our Artists should be rewarded for their efforts and success. Our Badge Program is a way we can reward those Artists who are making efforts to raise both the volume, and the commercial quality, of their uploads. We hope all our member Artists will be as excited by the Badge Program as we are in offering it to them!"

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Photokore is a royalty-free stock photography site dedicated to offering the best Asian images to the world, and high quality global images to the Asian market.

Visitors to on can search for images in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English. Landing pages are also available in Arabic, Filipino, Hindi, Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, and Spanish.

All photos and illustrations on can be licensed for creative use - whether on a personal website, or in a global marketing campaign - at prices ranging from US$1 - US$40.


Tags: asia, microstock photography, photography, stock photography

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Chin-Hwa Suzuki
Press Contact, Photokore Co., Ltd.
Photokore Co., Ltd.
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43 Pil-Dong 1 Ga, Jung-Gu, Seoul, Korea
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