Picture Puzzle App Groodge Available Worldwide in English

Everybody knows what this feels like: a game isn't a game unless you have the chance to beat your opponent. "Groodge" is solving this problem: increase your chances of winning by manipulating the puzzle pictures.

Smart, fun games for in between belong to our daily routines: during lunch, waiting for the bus, tram or train - having fun is just a smart phone away. Not only a diversion, one of the main motivations is to win. Everybody knows what this feels like: a game isn’t a game unless you have the chance to beat your opponent. Which is one of the main reasons multi-player games are so popular. “Is it possible to increase your chances of winning?” software developer Daniel Berkelmann, from Nuremberg, asked himself.

Always a Step Ahead

His Bachelor thesis inspired Daniel to develop the game app Groodge. The player has to guess puzzle pictures and you can manipulate these puzzle pictures, making them more difficult for your opponent to guess the content of the picture. You can use black and white effects, turn the picture on its head, blur the image etc as you progress in rounds.

Available Worldwide in the iOS App Stores

After the successful launch in Germany, Groodge is now available worldwide. The app surface opens automatically in the user’s language. “English-language users get their possible answers automatically in english, while for example, an opponent in Germany gets his answers in German,” explains developer Daniel.

For more information, google the word "Groodge"


Tags: app, battle, family, friends, game, ios, multiplayer, picture, quiz