Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc. Expanding Market and Team

The Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc. team expanded the firm's territory into the North Carolina market. To facilitate this growth, leaders are recruiting new associates for a variety of positions, according to Judson, the company President.

​​​​Growth is always an exciting prospect in the business world. The marketing professionals at Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc. recently announced that they are expanding their reach into a new market in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Judson indicated that this move was made in response to significant demand for their experiential marketing services.

“We have been fortunate enough to make a major impact,” he said. “A lot of brand leaders are getting really excited about interactive promotions. It’s clear that this new market has a lot of demand for our services. So we decided that we would establish a presence there. To make this a successful move, we are hiring a number of new team members.”

"We have been fortunate enough to make a major impact,"

Judson , President

He indicated that they are seeking people of all experience levels to fit into several roles within the Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc. team. Judson also made it clear that technical skills will take a back seat to personality and drive in the decision-making process.

“It is easy to teach someone how to perform a task,” he explained. “It is much harder to teach someone how to feel about doing that task. We want people who are really driven and excited for serious opportunities in sales and marketing.”

Judson encouraged everyone who is interested in these job openings to apply through the company’s website.

Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc.’s President Discusses Team-Building Techniques

The Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc. is made up of exceptional individuals. Judson revealed that this was the result of a strategic initiative to find and attract top talent. He stated that it began by examining the specific needs of his company and seeing where to fill the most important positions.

“I then analyzed what personality traits would be needed for those roles,” he continued. “The type of person who will succeed in any given position is as important, if not more so, than the paper qualifications required.”

Judson asserted that the best way to find potential candidates is through networking. He believes the best individuals will rarely apply to job postings. He prefers to actively seek out people who could be good fits.

“When interviewing people, have a scorecard and a board of interviewers,” he concluded. “Every member of that board should score every candidate. This approach makes it easier to remember the most important details of interviews. We have had a lot of success here at Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc. using this approach.”

About Piedmont Elite Marketing, Inc.

Piedmont Elite Marketing Inc. is a leader in event-based promotions. The company’s talented associates excel at quickly achieving measurable results for brands. Through rich data analysis, the Piedmont Elite Marketing Inc. team crafts ground-breaking campaigns that have resounding impact on consumers and pave the way into new markets. They allow the firm to provide outstanding ROIs to the businesses they represent. With a solid reputation, the firm has continued to expand and build an impressive portfolio. Learn more at http://piedmontelitemkt.com.


Tags: Piedmont Elite Marketing, Piedmont Elite Marketing Careers, Piedmont Elite Marketing Events, Piedmont Elite Marketing Inc, Piedmont Elite Marketing Jobs, Piedmont Elite Marketing NC, Piedmont Elite Marketing Promotions, Piedmont Elite Marketing Reviews, Piedmont Elite Marketing Winston-Salem

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Piedmont Elite Marketing Inc.'s team excels at crafting exciting promotional events that drive brand awareness and maximize ROIs quickly.

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