Pilot Episode and Campaign Released for 'Planet Community' - Web Series That Features Intentional Communities

"Planet Community" is a new web series created to bring awareness to different types of intentional communities that exemplify values of cooperation, sustainability, and social justice.

"Planet Community"

Intentional communities are living laboratories working to create cooperative living systems. They demonstrate what society would look like if it were based on a different set of values.

"Planet Community" is a new web series created to bring awareness to different types of intentional communities that exemplify values of cooperation, sustainability, and social justice. 

'Planet Community' is going on tour across the U.S. to interview and document some of the most inspiring and cutting-edge sustainability-focused residential communities.

Sky Blue, Executive Director, Fellowship for Intentional Community

There are many different kinds of intentional communities -- ecovillages, cohousing, co-ops -- and the FIC (Fellowship for Intentional Community) is going on tour across the U.S. to interview and document some of the most inspiring and cutting-edge residential communities.

"Planet Community" will dive deep into :

  • Why do communities form? 
  • What are the values they are organized around? 
  • How do they sustain themselves? 
  • How do they solve problems and make decisions? 
  • Why do they matter to the world?

Tour Communities in the Midwest

Season 1 will include four more web videos showcasing empowering examples of communities living in cooperative, value-based communities in U.S. Midwestern states. 

Episode 1 has already been completed, featuring Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in Missouri. You can view this pilot episode and read more on www.ic.org/PlanetCommunity

Future tours and episodes are planned for the Western and Eastern U.S. in 2019. FIC will have an open application process for selecting communities to be featured in these subsequent tours.

Help to Create "Planet Community"

The ultimate goal is to eventually assemble some of the collected footage into a feature-length documentary once the campaigns for all three phases of "Planet Community" are successful.

But first, donations are needed to fund the upcoming tour and production. 

Contributions from the public are encouraged so FIC can meet the $9,000 campaign goal by August 9. Please contribute on Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/intentionalcommunity/planet-community-video-series-on-regenerative-comm

FIC is an educational nonprofit organization with over 30 years of service. FIC provides the Communities Directory, Communities Magazine, and Communities Bookstore. To access these and other resources, and to learn more about intentional communities and FIC, visit www.ic.org/About.

Source: Fellowship for Intentional Community


Tags: cohousing, commune, community, cooperative, couchsurfing, ecovillage, peer to peer, sharing economy, socialism, sustainability, travel

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​The Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people learn about, join, and build more just and resilient communities around the world.

Fellowship for Intentional Community
23 Dancing Rabbit Lane
Rutledge, MO 63563
United States