Pittsburgh Bee Removal Company Teams Up with Local Beekeepers to Help "Save the Bees"
Bees are disappearing due to a mysterious phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder. However, bee removal is sometimes still necessary - The Bee Hunter is teaming up with local bee keepers in order to save the bees he removes, when possible.
Online, May 10, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Pittsburgh, PA, June 19, 2009. The Bee Hunter, a bee removal and wasp control company in Pittsburgh, PA, has partnered with Burgh Bees and other local beekeepers in order to save honeybees when removing them from homes and businesses.
Honeybee populations have experienced a recent decline - a phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder. There is uncertainty among researchers as to the cause(s) of this phenomenon, but several factors (pollutants, poor nutrition, mites, and viruses) are thought to work together to bring about Colony Collapse.
It must be made clear that while Colony Collapse is likely a very real concern, its severity has been greatly exaggerated. A worldwide (or even national) collapse of honeybees is not imminent. Indeed, there are some voices within the scientific community arguing that Colony Collapse is a cyclical and natural phenomenon and therefore not a disorder at all.
"Nevertheless, I make every effort to preserve honeybees," says Jim Abraham, aka, The Bee Hunter. "I can't always safely remove bees, but I try my best, and by partnering with Burgh Bees, I know the bees will have a happier home, with local bee keepers or in an orchid, where they belong."
The challenges associated with "saving the bees" are more difficult and risky than bee extermination. However, it is becoming increasingly important to make all attempts possible to save useful bees and return them to their natural environment. If a more bees could be saved, instead of exterminated, it would help alleviate the problem.
Burgh Bees is a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit that promotes bees and beekeeping through seminars and mentorships, and develops and maintains urban apiaries.
The Bee Hunter, is a Pittsburgh-based Bee Removal and Wasp Control Company that controls bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and other stinging insects through removal and extermination.
For more information, visit http://www.TheBeeHunter.com. Or call 412-BEE-AWAY
Tags: bee control, bee exterminator, bee removal, bees, colony collapse, hornets, Pittsburgh, stinging insects, wasps, yellow jackets