Plain iPhone Cases, Vibrant Personalities

Newly launched online store based in Singapore has it's sights on the global market with it's popular culture references and quirky personalities.

A Plain Awesome Find, or so the website tagline say.

Don't be deceived by the simple layout of the The Missing Piece Store( or the humble range of plain iPhone 5 (yes, only avaiable for iPhone 5 model) cases. What they lack in the extravagance department, they make up with their vibrant personalities and the cutthroat cheap prices of each case.

The "personality" of each iPhone 5 case is seen through the nomenclature and descriptions which includes popular culture references, riddles and prose. Amongst the popular culture references are "The Liz Lemon" (from the TV serial 30 Rock) which personifies the case in accordance to the character in the show and "Tobias Funke" (from the TV serial Arrested Development) which includes a short Youtube clip of the character in its description. For the non-iPhone 5 users, fret not, there is entertainment value in browsing through the product description so even if you're not looking to buy, you can still get a laugh or two out of it.

The price tagged on each case is just unthinkable. A flat fee of $5 SGD (approximately $4 USD) includes free shipping worldwide which leaves one to wonder how much the store actually makes per case after factoring in the transaction fee that Paypal charges. Whilst the prices are all fine and dandy, the inavailability of registered and express shipping options along with the store's no-return policy might be a dealbreaker for some. But the again, at $5 per case, who really gives a hoot?

The store was recently launched on the 20th of June 2013 and only sells plain iPhone 5 cases with a "quicksand matte" finish (whatever that means) although it is stated on their website that they intend to expand their range.

The products are definitely worth a try, especially for buyers looking for a plain base to design their cases by hand or for buyers who like it plain and simple. If you did buy it, do us all a favour and leave your feedback somewhere on the world wide web to let people know whether it is really worth the buy.


Tags: cheap, iPhone 5, plain

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