Planet TV Studios Presents the New Frontier Documentary Episode Featuring El Paso Children's Hospital

EL PASO, Texas, July 23, 2021 ( - The New Frontiers episode featuring El Paso Children's Hospital, plans to air in the third quarter of 2021 and will also be airing on video-on-demand platforms such as Roku, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and other various on-demand platforms.
El Paso Children's Hospital is the city's only separately licensed, Joint-Commission-Certified stand-alone hospital that's entirely dedicated to pediatric care. It features 122 beds—all in large private rooms with enough space for families.
El Paso Children's Hospital provides tertiary services to the most vulnerable patients requiring complex care in a 350-mile radius of the Hospital which includes two countries, three states, three metropolitan cities and over 11 counties in Texas and Southern New Mexico.
Some of the strategic objectives EPCH has achieved is launching an outpatient Cranial and Facial Clinic, achieving level IV NICU designation, opening the Zachary Bowling Pediatric Outpatient Diabetes Education Services at El Paso Children's Hospital and the re-introduction of the Therapeutic Arts Program, designed to provide rehabilitation through art and holistic healing through art therapy.
Their certified Children's Oncology Group provides the highest level of care for those in need of cancer treatment by providing oncology patients access to clinical trials and treatment protocols found at top tier children's hospitals. The impact to the community is significant, as a reduction of over 85% of patients having to leave their homes to receive treatment at larger institutions, can receive the same level of care since they opened in 2012. Young patients involved in a trauma also have access to expert trauma teams at University Medical Center (the region's only dedicated Level 1 Trauma Center), and EPCH who are dedicated to pediatric surgical and critical care.
Planet TV Studios produces cutting-edge, real-life, television series that feature insightful, meaningful updates on the most important business, medical and socially responsible topics currently taking place in the areas most important to our lives. Planet TV Studios is a leading content creation company successful in films, television, documentaries, commercials, and docudramas.
New Frontiers is a television series that explores pediatric healthcare. In this episode, they learn how El Paso Children's Hospital has dedicated itself to inclusive leadership and innovative pediatric research and education. New Frontiers is a short-form documentary series featured on television and multiple on-demand platforms.
For more information about El Paso Children's Hospital, please visit:
For more information about the series, please visit or call Christian Alain at 888-210-4292 x100
Source: Planet TV Studios
Tags: El Paso Children's Hospital, Healthcare, New Frontiers, Pediatric Care, Pediatrics, Planet TV Studios, VOD